So what now?

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Hey guys. Thank you for your patience! Here's the next chapter, I hope you like it :)

Stay safe,



"STOP!" I yelled.

Everyone stared at me in shock. Even Anubis and Ra looked surprised. "What?" Anubis stated. The time seemed to stand still once more and I felt my heartbeat at my throat. My blood seemed to freeze inside my veins when his eyes met mine.

"That's enough, you can't kill him!" I blurt, trying to seem confident but failing miserably. "And why can't I kill him my dear?" Anubis replied growling angrily.

"Because we need him t-to..." I started to stutter as Anubis came closer to me, his eyes still glowing orange, bone showing through his skin. "To what?" Anubis growled threatening. "What does this failure of a reincarnation can do that we can't?" He whispers, still staring at me. "Well he..." my eyes started darting around while my mind went blank. Suddenly I heard Thoth murmuring something under his breath. "What was that?" Anubis heard him too. He turned to face him, but Thoth ignored Anubis completely and kept staring at the ground. "If you have something to tell me then already do so. Don't waste my time." Anubis snarled. Again there was no response, just continuous muttering. "Well." Anubis stated, turned and raised his weapon. Nobody of the surrounding spectators dared to stop or interfere with him. Anubis slowly walked over to Ra, ignoring Thoths muttering, which increased in volume ever so slightly. I tried to understand what he said but it didn't seem to be in any language me or my previous incarnation could understand.

Then I saw it. All around us strange glowing symbols started to materialize out of thin air. They didn't seem to be of egyptian origin. They quietly formed a sort of golden glowing chain floating quietly in the air above Anubis, illuminating him with a golden glow. "Gleipnir, bind him." I heard Thoth mumble. At the same moment his eyes flashed in a glowing golden tone and in the blink of an eye Anubis gasped in shock. The glowing chain wrapped around him in an instant, suddenly restraining his movements. He tried to fight against it but the more he struggled, the tighter the rope got. Eventually he couldn't move anymore, his face contorted with anger and pain, losing his balance and falling to the side.

"Seems like no one of us won this time" Ra stated heavy breathing, a chuckle escaping him before he lost consciousness. Anubis just sighed in response and seemed to regain some of his composure while admitting defeat by the runes binding him.

Nobody dared to move. "Oh dear, is he dead?" One of the spectators in green attire asked sarcastic, leading to several others glaring at him angrily. "Well. I'll look after Ra." Sobek suddenly spoke up. "I think you two can cope with Anubis." He looked at me and Thoth while he walked up to Ra, smirked and picking up the unconscious god. As I looked back at Thoth, his eyes had already went back to normal. "Bastet you should go and calm him down." Thoth stated. "I'll be shooing away all the annoying observers." He added. I looked back at Anubis, the chain still glowing and restricting him. I took was still scared of the form he was currently in but then I remembered something. Small fragments of memory flashed before my eyes. It seemed I had to deal with this form before. The feeling of fear started to fade and I walked towards him, withstanding his glare which, in addition to his snarling and growling, let him look more of a Monster than the men I thought I knew. "Hey. Seemed you lost your fear? Do you think I am a monster now? Do you think I am disgusting? An abomination?" He snarled. I kneeled right beside him and looked him dead in the eye. I did not feel disgust nor any other thing he mentioned. Just rage. "Do you think I am a disgrace for every living creatu-" I slapped him right in the face. He froze. "Wha-?" he started. "How could you be this stupid?" I shouted. "Do you want to kill another god that badly?" I stated bitter. He looked at me, eyes widened in shock and closed his mouth without saying another word. I grabbed him by the chain and took him to our room. As we made our way through the inn everybody looked at us. There was an unpleasant tension in the air. It weren't simple looks of curiosity like before. They rather stared at us like they were about to attack us at any given moment and shred us to pieces. We walked quickly to our dorm, where the others already awaited us.

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