Ra vs. Anubis

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Happy Halloween guys!

I hope you're still well or recovering quickly. I made this chapter a little bit darker than the others since I thought it would be fitting and... Well I just felt like it. I hope you enjoy it ;) (Disclaimer: mild Gore and stuff like that ahead.)

Like always stay safe,



Ra's whole body tensed up and he bared his teeth. It looked like he was about to say something insulting but just repeated "You..." snarling. "Ra, please just... calm down ok?" Thot said, trying to calm him down while Anubis slowly backed out of the door into the night. "Go and settle it outside. If you destroy any more of my inn... let's just say you won't like me when I'm angry." Amu'aa added sinister not even looking at Ra, while he continued to clean the glasses at the counter. Ra slowly walked towards the door, his fists and whole body slightly started to glow golden.

"Well... I'll be upstairs if you need me." Seth, who still stood at the stairs took the two women and got back to his dorms. Meanwhile Thoth and I followed Ra outside and joined Sobek who leaned against the wall.

It had gotten dark to the point where you could barely see anything outside. As he stepped a few steps outside Ra suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. "Where are you, you coward!?" he screamed into the night. Thoth and I watched Ra with caution. Suddenly we heard Anubis voice "Do you really think I would be that stupid to face you head on when you're like that?" the voice seemed to come from no particular direction and jet every direction at once. "You stupid bastard." Ra exclaimed, the golden glow around his skin getting brighter before he changed. Suddenly feathers began to replace his hair and his physical shape got bigger and more muscular... also he suddenly had the head of a falcon with a pharaonic headpiece covering the back of his head. The reflection of his eyes gave Ra a somewhat creepy look. "Don't you dare forget who I am!" he half shouted, half screeched. Suddenly a big bright glowing orb formed above his head. "I'm the god of the sun" he whispered malignly.

This new source of light illuminated his surroundings to an extend. "You show off". There, not that far away from him stood Anubis, leaning against a tree. But I nearly didn't recognize him. His statue was like usual but his skin was pitch black. Normally his jackal head looked rather cute with his big, fluffy ears but right now it looked more like a skull, parts of the bone showing through paper thin skin. His teeth were sharp fangs, his fingers more claw like and his eyes flashed in an unnatural bright yellow. His toothy mischievous grin just added to his intimidating unnatural look.

"Oh shit they're fighting seriously." Thoth gasped besides me. "Don't freak out." Sobek stated calmly. "They both need to get it out of their systems."

"I'll kill you" Ra whispered. "Only if you can hit me." Anubis replyed mockingly and vanished into the shadows. "Tsk. I'm gonna get you anyways" Ra said. Suddenly a spear appeared right in his hands. Anubis just chuckled. At the next moment Ra attacked where Anubis voice had come from. He missed him just by little and Anubis double blade weapons slid along Ra's spear as he dodged the attack. Now as he stood closer to us I could see the weapons in his hand, two Chepesch which were dark metallic, had a golden line in the middle and ornaments at the handle. As I was admiring his swords, Ra launched another attack, this time one handed, aiming at Anubis chest. Like the time before, Anubis fended off the spear without much effort. To his surprise Ra smiled. The next moment I saw Ra drawing a dagger from behind his back. I watched in shock as the dagger hit Anubis side. He managed to back away just before Ra was able to cut him to the point where his intestents could fall out. Anubis leaned over holding his injured side. "Well if you don't hold back... Neither do I." he whispered breathing heavily. Suddenly he started humming a tune and drew some sings on the ground. "Do you think a song and some scribbled lines can help you?" Ra began to laugh which first became hysterical and then maniac. He ran towards Anubis, his spear drawn still laughing like crazy. Anubis just looked him right in the eyes. "You shouldn't underestimate me either." Ra's eyes widened as he heard Anubis unnatural deep voice and the jackal headed god just laughed in his face. "Because I'm the companion of the dead... And some of them still owe me a favor." he whispered, his voice a deep humming with a hint of excitement while he held his side, blood slowly but steadily seeping out of the wound. Suddenly the ground began to shake and Anubis eyes turned blood red.

"Now you can freak out." I heard Sobek whispering besides me.

"Ra took a step back and watched in horror as bumps appeared at the ground which grew in size until fingers, hands and eventually bodies appeared. The dead were in various states of decay, some had still all of their limbs, others lost shreds of their skin as they got up from the ground. Their bones cracked and some of them made horrible sounds as they twisted their joints and limbs back into place. They had one thing in common though. All of them shared the same blood red reflecting eyes Anubis had at the moment.

Everyone didn't dare to draw a breath. Even Ra was frozen in place, his light orb slowly getting smaller, cloaking some Anubis 'friends' in darkness that no one except me was able to see them anymore.

"This is your last chance to call it off Ra." Anubis said calmly. "After that you'll have passed the point of no return." He hissed, fixating the other god, standing besides the dead.

"I... I just can't" Ra stuttered, fear reflecting in his eyes.

Anubis made a growling sound and the dead attacked Ra. Anubis watched them bite the other god, tearing into his flesh. I wanted to look away but, just like the time when Anubis killed Apophis, I simply couldn't. I covered my mouth suppressing a horrified scream when I saw what they did to Ra. I asked myself why no one tried to separate them or intervene when suddenly a burst of flame erupted from Ra and burned most of the dead which attacked him instantaneously. The few left decided to keep their distance.

Now both of the gods looked almost equally as bad. Ra raised his spear and dagger challenging, leading to Anubis taking a sharp breath also raising his weapons, striking a fighting pose. This time Anubis attacked. Every time their weapons met, everyone could feel the sheer raw force of it resonating deep within their chests. Unlike the time before, Ra didn't attack Anubis with just his spear and dagger, he cloaked his weapons in fire and burned Anubis again and again when he came too close. Everyone could hear their painful gasps when one of their attacks hit their opponent. The hot dry air was filled with the smell of decay from the dead and even worse, the indefinable smell of the dead which Ra set aflame. As the fight of the two gods raged on it looked like Ra slowly but surely gained the upper hand. Supposedly due to the deep wound he caused at the even before the real fight.

Just as everyone thought Anubis was about to lose Ra seemed to have lost completely track of his surroundings. At that moment the remaining of the dead launched their final attack at Ra, catching him completely off guard, causing him to lose his balance and pinning him to the floor. Ra tried to fight back but to no avail.

The fight was nearly over.

Anubis slowly walked over to Ra, his body bloodstained, face warped with pain. Anubis stood tall above the sun god. Ra just smiled at him. "So this is it huh? Well I guess I shouldn't have challenged you after all." He said sarcastic and caughed. "You fought good." Anubis replied, his voice changing a little at the end.

Suddenly a thought crossed my mind.

Anubis raised his sword to Ra's throat.

I wouldn't let this happen again.

He re positioned his sword while his eyes got cold as stone, all empathy and kindness fading from them.

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