Old demons catching up

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Merry christmas everyone (or happy Holidays if your're not celebrating christmas :))


Ra didn't waste a second and stormed towards our dorm. Meanwhile Amu'aa, our bartender, sighed and reached deep into the counter, pulling out a Chepesch.

"Let's go. I can't tolerate someone killing my guests in MY house. This is supposed to be neutral ground for ANYBODY." He took a deep breath. "Don't worry, he'll get a chance to explain himself." He said dead serious.

As we reached Apophis room, the smell of blood thickened the air. The door was slightly open, the room quiet as death itself. I pushed Amu'aa aside, walking straight into the room. Apophis body lay limp upon the bed, the blood underneath him forming a strange jet beautiful contrast to his pale corpse. Ra stood by Apophis side, slightly bend-over, holding his hands. Silent tears ran down his face.

Suddenly I felt a slight breeze from one corner of the room. There was a big hole gaping, blood splatters covering the edges. I stared at the thin trail of blood leading outside, slowly fading into the desert.

Concerned, I walked over to Ra who was still holding Apophis hand, staring at the corpse with an emotionless expression on his face while crying.

"Ra?", I asked gently. His face turned towards my, his eyes seemingly looking right trough me as if I wasn't even there. Then he recognized me. "Apophis didn't know how to tell me... so he wrote it down...", I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?", I whispered. "He wanted to give it to me... tomorrow...", his voice cracked several times while speaking, fading at the end into a mere whisper.

Ra handed a blood smeared piece of paper to me. I couldn't believe what I read.

"Dear Ra. I wanted to tell you this long ago but you know how things were between us the last decades, but... I have no choice now.

Do you remember the time we didn't wanted to fight anymore? When I was in my female form and we... spend time together? I'm so sorry. I know this is nearly impossible and wasn't supposed to happen but... I got pregnant. I beard a son, your son.

I wanted to bring him up to reach your glory. I thought with your strength and my talent for shifting, he would be able to do great things. Unfortunately while I tried my best, I got attacked several times over the years. Once I was severe wounded and he helped me fight back the attackers. I don't know what happened but something snapped within him that time.

He started having fun killing people coming near me. To keep him a secret I took the blame upon me.

Of course I wasn't going to allow such actions but he wouldn't listen.

I didn't know what to do. He didn't understand why I was living far away from the other gods. I tried to explain my murderous past to him but he wouldn't believe me. One day he was more violent than ever and that night he run away, leaving a note, saying he 'would make things right' whatever he could have meant by that. I wanted to follow him but the trail of destruction he left behind was blamed on me... of course it was... I wasn't able to follow him when I noticed his leaving in the morning and this was when they started attacking me immediately. Nearly every day they came and tried to kill me, sometimes I hadn't even time to properly recover between the attacks.

I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive me. I still love you 'till this day."

I dropped the letter. This changed everything! I had to find Anubis as fast as possible! "Ra... do you know how I can find...", Ra suddenly interrupted me, picking up the letter. "Sobek knows Anubis better than the rest of us. Ask him for help.", he whispered. I turned to go. Now that I thought about it, I had no idea where he had been all this time. I hesitated. "He's in his room over there." Seth, who still stood at the doorway of Apophis room pointed to a door across the corridor. I walked out, carefully closing the door behind me, cutting off the flow of blood-thickened air leaking into the hallway.

I carefully knocked at Sobeks door. No answer. Strangely the door wasn't locked so I decided to go inside.

The room was very dark but I could see Sobek lying in his bed, just his lower half covered with the blankets. Carefully, I walked closer towards him. Now I stood right in front of him. His eyes were closed. His upper body was quite muscular, scars spreading all over it. I had to think of Anubis scars and couldn't take my eyes off of him. I just opened my mouth to speak to him as I felt a sudden pull at my ankle, causing me to lose my balance. With a shocked gasp, I fell directly onto Sobek.

Before I could say anything he was on top of me, pointing a dagger at my throat. This situation seemed disturbingly familiar.

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