Anubis secret

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("Warning" The the following chapter contains some homosexual stuff so if you're not ok with it please skip it and wait for the next chapter. For everyone else... I guess, enjoy it ;) )

Sobek started to move his hands in trails around Anubis back. To my surprise Anubis seemed to like it and slipped deeper into the water. Then, from one moment to another he opened his eyes in surprise, sat straight up and his face changed its colour in a split second from normal to the colour I guess It took when every drop of his blood rushed into it. "S... Sobek?", he asked stuttering. Sobeks smile just grew larger. "I... I think I touched your... your... AH!" He couldn't finish his sentence because the trail of Sobeks fingers had finished by his tights. He let out a soft moan but didn't seem to fight back or complain about his companion touching him. Instead he closed his eyes. "You seem rather sensitive down here.", Sobek whispered in his ear. "What's with this spot?" I blushed hard myself when I saw  and heard Anubis as he moaned even louder. Sobek had started caressing his nipples. "Let me see your face.", he whispered seductive. "Wait Sobek I ..I !" Again he couldn't finish his sentence. Sobek grabbed him by his hip,  turned him around by himself and took Anubis face in his hands. "Don't hold back Anubis. I know your little secret. You wanted to do it with me since quite a while, didn't you?" "I... I... I  don't know. I guess I'm just curious about it and thats all. Just let me get out of this pool and we'll forget about this ok?", Anubis asked, starring at Sobeks we body. "Okay but let me ask you one question. If your answer is yes, I'll just forget about it. Deal?", Sobeks voice faded to a whisper. "Deal", Anubis answered heavy breathing. "Here's the question... Do you really wand me to stop?" Sobeks face was now barely an inch (a few cm) away from Anubis face. Their lips nearly touched. 

They now both started to breath heavily and stared at each others lips. Then I couldn't believe my ears as I heard Anubis trembling voice answering. "No"

It was like an accident, I couldn't look away.

After Anubis answered, Sobek kissed him passionately, pinning him against the stone wall of the hot spring. Their kiss grew wilder and both breathed heavy when they had to part from each other to get some air. Like before Sobek was the one to take the lead so he continued to caress Anubis body. Suddenly he got bolder. While Anubis was still leaning against the wall, eyes closed and enjoying the moment, Sobek stopped for a moment and looked at him with desire. Anubis let out a loud moan and his body trembled when Sobek playfully bit down on his nipple. Suddenly he opened his eyes with a spark in them. Like a tamed fire suddenly blazing up. Of course Sobek noticed it. "So you like it rough eh?", he said licking and biting down on Anubis nipple at the same time. "You keep on talking about me Sobek. But I guess I'm not the only one who's gotten 'excited' " With this he leaned forwards, trapping Sobek in a similar position he was before. "Oh so you're not only submissive? That's interesting. Wouldn't have thought of that. 'Coyote'.", Sobek said grinning. "You'll soon see what I'm capable of. 'Crocodile'.", Anubis answered heated, looking him right in the eye. "That's the fighting spirit!", Sobek said lecherous. "I almost thought you had lost it since our battle an hour agooo...OH!" This time Sobek couldn't finish his sentence. It ended in a loud moaning. "Seems like I found your sensitive spot too.", Anubis whispered seductive. 

While they had talked Anubis right hand had unnoticed slipped into the water. He had grabbed Sobeks hard member in a sneak attack and now he started to move his hand up and down. Sobek closed his eyes, enjoying every second. "Did you know I'm pretty good at holding my breath?", Anubis whispered right next to Sobeks ear. The next moment Anubis head was beneath the water. I couldn't see what he was doing but from Sobeks gasping for air and moaning Anubis name I guess he must be getting the blowjob of his life. From all of this sexy moaning and the scene, I had to admit that I was getting horny myself. I decided that I could do something about it later on back in the 'real world'... probably even with both of them... 

A moment later Anubis got back up from underwater, gasping for air. "Oh Anubis you're godly with your mouth!", Sobek moaned. "I guess it's my turn now to make you feel good too." With this he took the lead once more. He kissed Anubis deeply, demanding more. He also bit his lip playfully and started to caress Anubis member. "Do I make you feel good?", Sobek asked heavy breathing while exerting pressure on bis sweet spot. "Oh yesss...", he moaned. Then he took both of their members in one hand and started moving while he had cough Anubis hands with the other one and hold them tight behind his back. On top of that he playfully bit Anubis neck to demonstrate his dominance over him. "I got it you want to be the dominant part.", Anubis said between two moans. "I'm okay with it so please stop the fooling around and put it in! I'm starving for it!" Anubis said breathlessly. "You want it that badly?", Sobek moaned. "Come on please." Anubis said pleading. "And please spare me the 'it's gonna hurt' lecture.", he said joking. I don't know if I or Sobek were more surprised by his attitude but I guess I would've been the same at this point. "As you wish.", Sobek whispered with a horny grin.

Anubis turned his back at him, willingly exposing himself to Sobek. The river god took his penis in his hand and got even closer to Anubis. "Are you ready for me?", he whispered in Anubis ear. "Oh yes.", Anubis moaned. As Sobek entered Anubis both moaned loud in pleasure. "Anubis...?", Seth asked worried. "I'm good. Start moving.", he answered heavy breathing. I saw Anubis eyes rolling back when Seth started to thrust into him. His moans got even louder as Seth started to pick up pace and thrusted even harder and deeper into him. Anubis started moaning Sobeks name and even Sobeks moans got louder and his breathing got faster with the pace. "Oh Sobek. Do it harder.", Anubis pleaded while moaning. The water in the little pool splashed against their heated bodies, reflecting their movements. Sobek turned Anubis face around to kiss him passionately. 

They both got even wilder up to the point they both couldn't take it much longer. Suddenly Sobek grabbed Anubis erection and moved his hand as fast as he thrusted into him. Anubis closed his eves and opened his mouth to let out a silent scream when he came hard from Sobek thrusting into him while jerking him off. One last time Sobek thrusted hard and deep into Anubis. Then he came moaning loud. 

As they both looked at each other, calming down, they started to grin. But Anubis grin faded away really quick. "Let's swear to not talk about it. If anybody would know...", Anubis said staring at the floor. "You have nothing  to be ashamed of.", Sobek answered. He pulled Anubis tight into his arms and kissed his neck. "Let's see what'll be when we meet each other again. The mission is done so it might take a while, but probably we'll have some fun together in the future too.", Sobek said with a dirty grin on his face, causing Anubis smile to come back and his  face to turn bright red once more.

All  of a sudden the scenery got blurry and I felt like I was falling down. At the next moment I was back on board our ship, looking into the worried faces of Seth, Anubis and Sobek. "Welcome back again, I hope you had a good time in the past Bastet.", Sobek said. Even if they were older now I could still see it very clearly in front of my inner eye. The two of them were just heaving sex in front of me... Even if it was in the past, for me it was like a minute ago. Instead of answering Sobek I just felt the heat rushing to my face, turning it the darkest shade of red it ever had.

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