Into the unknown

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Hello there! I emerged out my creative swamp and outrun my procrastination. Let's hope they don't get me again ;3

I hope y'all are safe and yeah... enjoy :)



PS: I know the cliffhanger is really bad. The next chapter will come out soon, pinky promise <3


When I slowly went into the dark water of the river Maat, the others had already gone someplace with even more vegetation at the riverbank to give Ra and Anubis the opportunity to talk things trough without getting seen or heard by anyone. I went as slow as possible into the cold water without stopping completely. Sobek chuckled while watching me. "Come on Bastet." He said with a soothing voice. When I looked at him his eyes reflected the moonlight and he almost looked like what I imagined a male siren would in the stories of some sailors. His dark skin shimmered from the water, beautifully contrasting his shining eyes and teeth. I was like bewitched from his appearance and like a lost sailor I couldn't resist as he dragged me deeper into the black void of the water. "Come on It's not THAT bad." The river god whispered while dragging me even deeper. "Don't be afraid." He took my hand in his and my breathing hitched as he pulled my body close against his. I could feel every scale like bump on his skin and his breathing against my ear. Contrary to his cold body my body felt quite hot in this moment. "Trust me everything is going to be alright." He whispered and with that I felt a sharp pain on my neck. I gasped and moaned in pain as he swiftly bit each side. Suddenly he stepped back, licking my blood from his lips, his eyes glowing faintly.

While I looked at him shocked when my neck got unbelievably hot. With a mischievous smirk he let himself fall backwards into the black abyss of the river. The only problem was he still kept on holding my hand so he dragged me with him into the deep. I struggled against his grip and tried to free myself of the river god. Unfortunately he was at least stronger than me and I had no chance to break free from him. Suddenly we stopped moving deeper and when I opened my eyes I saw him turning to me, his face bearing a crocodilian like smile. He hovered right in front of me in the dark, but surprisingly clear water. "Bastet you have to breath out and take a new breath." He growled deeply, his voice vibrating inside of my chest. I never heard him speak like that before. My lungs started to burn from my instinctively held breath. I could barely hold it any longer. My body needed to breathe. I grasped him pleadingly, trying to get a lifesaving kiss with air like the last time I almost drowned. This time he denied me though. I don't know what I thought, after all, HE was the one who dragged me here. Black dots appeared in my vision. "Bastet, trust me." He whispered with a deep voice. I once more struggled, clawing at his thick skin with all my strength and calculated the distance of the way back to the surface. I wouldn't make it even if he would let me go at this moment. I accepted my fate, breathed out all the air that was left in my lungs, stoically looking one more time at him, reptilian like eyes staring back at me, and breathed in the water of the river.

It hurt. It hurt like hell. I coughed underwater while my body spasmed. After some painful seconds it stopped... and I was still alive. Sobek looked at me and smiled. I stared back at him in shock and anger. My hands subconsciously went to my neck and I froze when I felt gill like structures where he bit me. "You could have at least warned me." I growled at him, my voice being distorted by the water. "Let's go." He seemingly ignored me and drew me close once more. Turning his body to face the river bed his strong crocodilian tail started to move us forward trough the water at a steady pace. I couldn't really see anything besides his arms around me, while he seemed to know exactly where we were heading. While I couldn't see them, I definitely sensed the presence of sea creatures around us. They seemed to respect the river god or be afraid enough to keep their distance enough for me not being able to spot a single one of them. Since we were still in the Duat and these were unknown waters for me, I was actually quite happy I couldn't see them. I wasn't overly fond of finding out if these creatures looked more like fish in the human world or monstrous abominations with hundreds of teeth, sharp scales and... I shuddered. "Are you afraid?" Sobek asked teasing but tightened his grip around me just a little bit more. "Me? Never!" I answered sarcastically and put my arms around his. We swam like that for quite some time before Sobek stopped. I could faintly make out the outlines of a big tunnel or cave entrance. The dark stone wasn't a good contrast to the even darker riverbed. "Sadly, we're nearly there." The river god whispered in my ear and squeezed me gently, sending shivers down my spine. "You know how I enjoy a bit of body contact." Before I could add anything he continued. "Being a reptilian it's nice to feel something warm against my cold body." he added slily. 'Suuuure' I thought while rolling my eyes. Quickly after we entered the dark passageway into complete darkness, I noticed that I couldn't sense the lurking sea creatures around us anymore, which I noted as a plus point of wherever we were heading. Holding me close Sobek continued to guide us with purpose through the dark tunnel which, from the feeling of his movements, slowly winded upwards. We never touched a wall or even came close to them. For me it was a solely ride in the dark with him as my only reference point. Then Sobek slowed down and stopped again. He gently pushed me off him. I couldn't help but miss the feeling of his scaly skin against mine a little. Of course I would never admit that. "We're beneath the water's surface." He mumbled, coming from the dark around me. "I need you to breathe out again like you did before. Try to get as much water out of your lungs as possible, it will hurt less the fewer water is in there." I could only stare at, where I thought he was, in utter disbelieve. He gently took my hand in his to guide me. "Ready?" I only managed to nod my head in agreement while still staring at his direction. "At least you warned me this time." I muttered.

When I felt my head breached the surface I closed my eyes and breathed out as deeply as I could. I held the rest of my breath and started to shake slightly. Sobek calmly touched my arm. "You got this." He mumbled in his more familiar voice. He didn't seem to have any problem at all... but he also was a river god after all. I took a shaking breath in and almost screamed at the sensation. My lungs burned like a furnace. I nearly choked and started to cough uncontrollably. After I breathed through the pain, the sensation slowly subsided. looked at Sobek trough watery eyes. "I'm NEVER doing that again." I hissed. "I hope you won't have to." He answered smiling painfully. "The first time is always the worst." He added. While he talked I blinked a few times and realized I could see a lot better in the dark over-than underwater. Suddenly the river god vanished into the black water again for a few seconds before gracefully jumping out of it onto a ledge I hadn't seen before. "Show off." I said taking his extended hand, pulling me up to him. He had changed back to his more human appearance, still maintaining his scales though. Slowly my eyes started to adjust to the darkness inside the cave like opening even more and I could make out a lot of details.

Scratching like marks 'decorated' the dark walls allover, the floor unnaturally smooth while being partially covered in damp moss. The air seemed humid but not stifling. There had to be an opening somewhere allowing the air to exchange to a certain degree. "Ahm Bastet?" I heard Sobek ask cautiously. I had subconsciously let go of his hand and silently wandered around some steps. Now that I looked at him I could see from his behavior that his vision in the dark seemed to be, contrary to mine, seemed to be much better underwater than above it.

I grinned and quietly walked around him, sneaking close from behind. "Afraid of a little darkness?" I whispered teasingly in his ear. "Oh, come on." He answered but I heard his voice slightly shift and his breathing hitch in a similar matter mine did before. I couldn't help but grin at this reaction and decided to mess with him a little more. He turned around to catch me red-handed but when he did I wasn't there. "Too slow crocodile." I whispered teasingly, quickly running my hand along his scaly spine before he turned and I was gone again. "Bastet why are you doing this?" He asked breathing heavily for some reason. I was behind him again, catching his hands in one of mine, holding them behind his back, whispering into his ear while tracing some scales at his back. "Revenge for earlier." I breathed grinning. With a swift, incredibly strong move of his hands the situation changed completely. Suddenly he had me pinned against the nearby cave wall, hands above my head, his face close to mine. I looked at him breathing heavily. 

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