What have you done?

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(Disclaimer violence ahead)

Hey guys, I'm so sorry for this long (and late) chapter. I couldn't bring myself to exclude some parts or cut it in half. I hope you'll enjoy it... By the way. A Chepesch is an Egyptian sickle sword... (you never know, one day you might need this info ;D) 

Have fun, Your Dragon_owl ❤

By the way... WOW 27k reads... just WOW...

I lay awoke in bed, trying to think of what could be wrong. I didn't know how much time had passed when I suddenly heard a creaking sound, coming from my door. The door slowly opened and a small streak of light crept into my room. Although I had closed my eyes in reflex, I could definitely smell who it was. I didn't trust the sensation thought and just when I opened my eyes, the person was gone, my door still slightly open. I stared from the dark of my room to the door, the light of supposedly a candle slowly flickering away from it, further along the corridor.

This was to strange to ignore so I jumped out of my bed in an instance, still a little affected by the drinks I had with Seth and the others earlier. One of the many advantages of being Bastet, the cat goddess had to be the ability of being absolutely independent of any light source at night and still being able to see as clear as in daylight... Not to mention the increased sensitivity of hearing or smelling.

I sneaked, as quiet as possible, through the opened door, just in time to see a blurred figure passing through a door into a room further down the corridor, closing it quietly after entering.

As I carefully sneaked closer to the door, I first heard a faint rumbling sound from the inside, then everything was quiet once more. Suddenly I heard undefined whispering coming from inside the room. Whoever it was spoke soft enough to be even too quiet for my ears to hear. I walked as fast as possible towards the room, trying not to make a sound while I also attempted to concentrate on the voice. Suddenly, the sound of a metal blade, sliding out its sheath froze me in place... right in front of the door. I was now close enough to understand any spoken whisper.

"...She nearly got killed by your actions! That's already the second time! First attacking her unknowing reincarnation in the surface world disguised in a different form?", he paused."If I had come any second later you would have already killed her! You thought I wouldn't notice, didn't you? But I did. Once smelled, I'd recognize your scent anytime... Anywhere.", I couldn't believe my ears. Slowly, I reached for the door handle and opened the door quietly, slowly pushing it further open with every passing second. What I saw froze the blood in my veins, my eyes widened and instinctively I held my breath.

"We thought you were satisfied with maintaining in the Duat but roaming in the world above? This is too much. I don't believe your lies about the attack being just to protect yourself. You can neither fool me, nor can I ever forgive you."

Wait what? Suddenly I started to remember pieces. The night Anubis rescued me from that... thing. Was that really Apophis? My memory of that night was blurry but he fought it... he has to know right?

Anubis stood above Apophis in his bed, his back turned at the door, one hand forcing Apophis mouth shut, the other pressing a sharp dagger against his throat. Apophis tried to push Anubis arms away but wasn't as strong as him, and by far not nearly as used to his human form as Anubis. After a while he stopped fighting and just held onto Anubis. "I can't even think of one single reason to let you live.", Anubis continued. I wanted to shout or to jump inside the room to stop Anubis... to prevent him from doing whatever he planned to do next, but I was completely frozen in place, my mouth as dry as the desert. It was hard to breathe.

"I love her. I'd do anything for her and wouldn't let you take her away from me." As he spoke his voice cracked and I saw glittering tears fell onto Apophis body. Apophis looked him right in the eyes. Then he closed his eyes. Anubis back stiffened, he took a deep breath... And slit Apophis throat.

I watched in horror as blood started to pour from the wound. Apophis grip around Anubis arms weakened and finally slipped. Anubis removed his hands from Apophis. The light slowly faded from his eyes. He took one last breath and spoke his final words, gurgling, blood running out his mouth. "I didn't..." he couldn't finish his sentence. He lost consciousness and grew paler with each second. The blood draining from his body first formed a puddle beneath him, then flowing down the bedside onto the wooden floor. Anubis was petrified. He kept on staring at Apophis dead body in front of him, his hands covered in blood.

When I felt like I could move again, Anubis slowly rose from the bed, turning towards me. I had never seen that look on anybody's face before. It scared me to death. When our eyes met I could see the despair in his still empty eyes, tears still flowing down his cheeks. He recognized me and gasped upon seeing my shocked expression. Then his dagger hit the floor. "Bastet I...", he begun. Before he could even walk one step towards me, I'd already turned and run.

I ran past my dorm, back to the taverns main room. As I got there I was panting. I didn't even realize it but I hadn't run... I sprinted there. Seth was sleeping on the counter while Ra kept on drinking and telling bad jokes to the bartender. Amu-aa saw me first. I looked at him. My eyes filled with tears. "Anubis...", I whispered, shaking. "What happened dear?", he asked calmly. "Anubis..." I repeated, now louder than before. "He killed Apophis." Amu-aa froze in an instant. The jar he had polished up to this moment shattered on the floor. "What." All of a sudden there was a death silence both stared at me. Ra stood up, knocking over his stool, slowly walking towards me. "What've you just said?", his mood completely changed, eyes glowing unnaturally. "I...", I couldn't say it again. I immediately regretted telling them.

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