Moving on

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Hello guys! I'm sorry it took so long to complete since I had to rewrite a lot until I was happy with it. But enough of that. I hope you're all doing good. Now have fun with this new chapter. :)

(Disclaimer: violence and mild gore ahead.)

Stay safe,



I was just about to answer when I heard Sobek yelling next door. "BASTARDS!" followed by a wet slashing sound. We rushed to him. Sobek and Ra's destroyed bedroom didn't look any better than our chaotic mess of a room. There was blood everywhere. Small and large crimson colored puddles decorated the floor while some splashes dripped down the walls. Sobek looked at us with sparkling eyes and a murderous grin. Ra stood in a corner, regarding the last of their attacker cold and emotionless as he strangled him with one hand, holding him against the bedroom wall. The man clawed and kicked at the bigger god with no avail. His voice was no more than a cacophony of different groaning and rasping noises. "What a lovely night, isn't it?" Sobek asked smiling, nodding at us.

His figure was as menacing as Anubis when he lost his cool the day before. He seemed unharmed, yet covered in crimson. My attention directed itself back to Ra. A chill ran down my spine, like hundred tiny needles pricking my skin.. Suddenly my mind started to work again. "Wait Ra don't kill him yet! We could ask him who –" before I could finish my sentence, I heard a loud cracking noise and the guy he was holding against the wall grew silent and stopped moving. Without loosening his grip Ra raised his voice. "Anubis, would you be so kind?" his voice was dry as the desert. Anubis rolled his eyes and stepped besides him. "Are we good?" he whispered at the Sun god. "Yes but I'm still upset with you." Ra answered growling. As soon as Anubis finished drawing a bloody symbol on the chest of the corpse, a caught a glimpse of a red flash of light coming from it as his eyes turned glowing red. The next moment the dead man, still in Ra's grip, opened his now also red glowing eyes and gasped. "Who's your master?" Ra asked threatening, slightly loosening his grip around the mans neck so he could speak. "As if I'd tell you." The dead man answered wheezing. "I take that as a sign of no interest in cooperating with us." Anubis stated coldly. I could not seem to miss a slight undertone of amusement in that statement though. "You know, because you are dead a LOT of morals and ethical principles regarding torture don't apply anymore." He cocked his head. "And since your nervous system is still intact, You. Can. Feel. Everything." Ra added, grinning maliciously. "And we had some really rough couple of days till this point... as well as pent up anger." He continued. "At least we get to vent off some steam, so thank you for being uncooperative." Anubis narrowed his eyes, baring his teeth wider than it should have been possible leading to a near demonic smile. At that point I decided that I would never want to mess with them EVER.

While Ra and Anubis started 'questioning' the poor man, Sobek took me outside to wait. "Sobek?" I had to clear my throat to prevent my voice from failing."Yes?" he answered calmly, blood dripping of his body, pooling at the floor. "Did you know about this kind of Anubis powers? And that he could..." a loud gurgly scream cut my sentence in half. I decided to ignore it, as well as Sobeks malicious-joyful smile. Clearing my throat again I continued. "Did you know he could resurrect the dead?" my curiosity started to get to me. "That's not exactly it." He hummed. "I'm sure you wonder why Anubis didn't resurrect Apophis. You see it isn't that easy." He paused while another scream rang from the 'interrogation room'. Meanwhile a heavy door opened on the upper floor, followed by the people upstairs starting to have a, rather loud, argument. Sobek continued unimpressed "It is less of a resurrection and more of a kind of possessing or affecting the dead. While Anubis IS able command the dead to do his bidding, he has not infinite power over them, neither can he keep them partially alive for more than maximal a couple of hours." I looked Sobek right in the eye. "And there's nothing to prolong this time or anything?" My eyes track every movement of his face to see if he knows more than he already told me but unfortunately his face is unmoved and his thoughts hidden. The argument upstairs got even louder. Without blinking Sobek stared right back at me. "Besides that Anubis can't stop the decaying of the corpse so even IF there would be a way to prolong this life after death, your body wouldn't last forever in this state of 'life'." At the end of his sentence he smiled cunningly. The screams in the room behind us turned once more into faint ununderstandable gurgling. The so called 'interrogation' seemed to be nearly over. Meanwhile the argument upstairs had turned into a loud fight. It sounded like heavy furniture got tossed around and several glass or porcelain objects hit the floor too hard to stay intact. Suddenly two women ran towards us, promptly screaming and turning around at the spot when they saw us, covered in blood to various degrees, eyes reflecting like predators and smiling at them. We must have looked like two monsters out of a nightmare.

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