...It's complicated...

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Oh my god. So. Many. Reads. I'm sooo sorry for not updating guys. I'm also sorry this chapter took me so long... BUT now enjoy the also extra long chapter. I hope you'll like it.

We followed the god of chaos inside the rundown building. Surprisingly the inside of it was in a much better condition than the outside and looked only half as bad as the facade. Warm light surrounded us the moment we stepped inside. The smell of alcohol and smoke engulfed us. The so called "sanctuary" was mostly just like an ordinary tavern except for the people inside. Some of them looked like ordinary people (in fancy clothing), other nearly devilish good and some like they died long ago and were already in the middle of rotting away.

The bartender behind his counter was extremely outstanding. He stood taller than the most of the people inside, towering over them and keeping an eye on seemingly everyone in the rather crowded room. His body was quite muscular, surely nobody you'd want to mess with.

Suddenly loud stomping and cheering started and got louder by every second. Everyone seemed to concentrate on two individuals which appeared to be the center of the tumult. The bartender didn't look too happy with the situation though. People were standing all around the two so I could only see their silhouettes. They stood close together, in between them a floating ball of flaming red fire. "If I win, you will accept, once and for all, that I am better than you! Got it? "The one on the right shouted, a little slow speaking. „Fine! And if I win, you will go and talk to you know whom. *hick*" The other one babbled back. They seemed to be
pretty drunk. "I accept. But I won't lose so you can let that thought down immedeat*hick*ly."

Everyone cheered. I looked around confused, noticing that now Seth, Sobek and even Anubis had joined the cheering. To my surprise the two people seemed to be holding their hands directly above the flickering flame. Neither of them looked like they had a hard time maintaining their hands there. I tried moving closer to have a better view, pushing through the crowd. One of them smiled mischievously, the flickering glow of the fire illuminating their faces. The grin of the one on the right slowly faded into a more painful expression and he abruptly removed his hand from the flame. His opponent started laughing, his hand still maintaining above the fire and took a sip from the bottle in his other hand. "Don't be disappointed. You did well", he smirked. "Now go talking to your faavorite creature in the wooorld". I wasn't the only one looking confused. The man who lost sighted and stumbled through the crowd towards the exit of the bar, the eyes from all of us upon him. Of course a lot of people followed him outside, looking to whom or what he was supposed to talk to. I thought I saw Anubis and the others following as well so I also did. This much about taking a rest...

The man walked straight into the direction of the river. 'What was he up to?', I thought to myself. He walked further and further towards the dangerous water, not minding the vegetation he passed at all and walking as if in trance, followed by the second man and the little crowd. We walked quite a while alongside the river shore, leading to more and more people turning around and going back to the tavern. Only our little group was left when suddenly the fog reappeared and chills started to run down my spine. Apophis attack wasn't even supposedly an hour ago and the feeling of nearly drowning and escaping death in just the last second still crept around in my mind.

Suddenly the man stopped abruptly.


My eyes widened in shock as he shouted.

"Come out I know you're there and eager *hick* to see your favorite god sweetie."

As he said that I looked towards Anubis and the others, standing a few meters away from him, jaws dropped and gasping, with the exception of the second man who seemed quite bored. His expression changed thought when suddenly, a massive snake tail ripped the fog, just like when Apophis attacked our ship, crushing down on the man beneath with a thudding noise... Then Apophis shrieked and pulled back its massive tail. I expected to see the body of the man turned into an undefined pile of flesh... Not to see him completely well, shimmering with a golden shine.

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