Strange odd world

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-- Hey guys! Thank you for over 2k. reads! Just wow!  I hope you all like my story and enjoy reading it (even with little grammatical mistakes ^^) Have fun with the next chapters! Your Dragon_owl --

As we stepped out of Osiris temple I felt something strange. My body hurt and as I looked at the place where Anubis were before, I was shocked. Right beside me stand a tanned, tall, good looking man. His hair was wild, black and he had an undercut. His ears and one eyebrow were pierced and his eyes were brown with a hint of gold in it. The man looked at me, grinning ?from one ear to the other. "Why are you staring at me Bastet? Like my new look?", the man said with Anubis voice. "I know you don't know me in this aspect. So... how do you like it?". I was speechless but Anubis just walked aside me and took my hand. "We can discuss this later  Bastet, but first we need to find this crazy, murdering nuisance of a god, Seth." I looked down at my hands and then down to my feet, I also looked human again. "Can we talk about this now, please? Besides how the heck will we get to Kairo? And where are we?". So many questions circled around my mind. I looked further around us and saw some pyramids nearby. The entrance of Osiris temple behind Anubis almost seemed just like a normal big rock in the landscape. If you don't know what to look for, you wouldn't think of the 'rock' to be an actual door. "Do you really think we would have our peace in his temple if everybody would know where it is?", Anubis must have seen the confusion in my eyes. "We're gods after all and even in modern days, people still prey to us." I know Seth was the bigger issue at the moment so I let it be for the moment, but this topic was not over yet and I decided to ask my many questions later on. "To calm you down, we are in Gizeh. Next to the famous pyramids of queens, to be exact. Kairo is just half an hour away from this place, probably that's why Horus came to us with his request and didn't went for Thot to calm Seth with his never ending wisdom.", his words were first charming and soft but ended loaded with sarcasm. "We will get to Kairo with the next bus from the station next to the pyramids. I think the next one will come in about 10 minutes, so come on, it's a little way to the bus station. Also I have to admit that your human form looks as beautiful as ever." I was too confused to say something so I simply followed him towards the big Pyramids. On our way the dry warm desert wind reached all the way through my clothes up to my skin. It was a warm pleasant feeling. To my surprise we took the bus just like normal humans and without anybody noticing something "mythical" about us. After like twenty minutes the skyline of Kairo appeared. It was really beautiful. As I looked towards  Anubis he was smiling, slightly blushed and looking away. Without noticing it I was holding his hand all the way to Kairo. I smiled about my thoughts and looked out the window of the bus. 

Right when I asked myself how long it would take us to find Seth, in this enormous city, the bus stopped suddenly. Our driver started to curse something not understandable in egyptian and started hitting the steering wheel. Everybody in our bus seemed pissed off and looked annoyed. "Anubis, what happened all of a sudden?", I whispered in his direction. Instead of answering me he took my hand, stood up and stepped out of the bus. We were in a bad traffic jam in the middle of a large bridge which bend over a wide river. As I looked to the source of the stopping cars I saw that the middle of the bridge was destroyed. The bridge still seemed stable but there were an unusual looking gap from which a lot of cracks pointed in our direction. As I stepped closer to the edge of the damaged bridge, I heard some people nearby talking about 'the crazy cosplays people do  these days' and from which anime or manga it might be. Suddenly I saw the source of all this chaos. A little further down the river and away from the damaged bridge were a giant egyptian boat. I wonder how I could overlooked it in the first place. The ship was slightly glowing red and a huge shape stand on the ship stern in front of its giant red sails. Anubis stepped beside me. "Oh hey, seems like we found Seth. Interesting, I never thought of him as such a big drama queen."

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