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Heavy breathes escaped Arianne's lips as the young Vikings hands traveled her body

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Heavy breathes escaped Arianne's lips as the young Vikings hands traveled her body. Clutching at her breasts before pulling up the bottom of her dress.

The lust filled pair weren't secretive about what they were doing. In fact, anyone could walk in and see. The small library was used by many of the maids, or even the guards between shifts. They were bound to be caught.

Hvitsirk pushed the Princess against one of the bookshelf's, her hands latching onto his waistband. The suspense was driving her mad. She had been with men before. Only for pleasure, yet this was unlike what she was used to.

Kissing her aggressively once more, Hvitsirk entered Arianne with a grunt. Holding her in his hands, he thrusted into her with force. Giving her no time to adjust to his size.

"Fuck" she moaned, pulling away from him breathlessly. She couldn't understand if it was the pleasure, or the overstimulation making her feel so good. This was unlike anything she had experienced, this was rough, hard sex. Something she wasn't used to. But she enjoyed it.

He gripped hold of her waist, his thrusting quickening. When he was younger he was told the stories of Jon Snow, how he became ruler of the seven kingdoms. Now he could boast to his brothers that he had fucked his daughter.

Her walls closed around him, making him groan as they both grew closer to finishing. She could feel him reaching her cervix, a sudden warmth flooding into her. The pair breathing unsteadily as they came down from their high.

As if nothing happened they redressed their selfs, straightening out their outfits. Before making their way back towards the great hall.

Brennan's eyes immediately fixed on the pair as their sweaty, messy bodies entered the hall. He may not have been the smartest man in Essos. But even a fool, could tell they had just fucked. And he wasn't happy about it.

Arianne refused to make eye contact with her brother, she could practically feel the anger radiate from him. Both her and Hvitsirk shared a few glances with each throughout the feast, light meeting dark on a few occasions.

"Ragnar, how many sons do you have again?" Brennan questioned through chews. Bringing his cup up to his lips to wash away the excess. The Viking king shared a look with his son before deciding to answer.

"Who knows. 5 that I am aware of" a small chuckle escaped Arianne's lips at his response. All eyes turned to her, one pair burning through her like lasers.

Brennan hated how comfortable she was with the outsiders, how she could sleep with one only 5 minutes after he had walked through the doors. Whores and wife's were for sleeping with. And the Princess was neither.

"I see, and which one will you fuck next dear sister?"

Suddenly Arianne forgot how to swallow, coughing out the wine that sat in her mouth. She glared at her brother with pure hatred, wiping the excess wine from her mouth. How dare he ask such a ridiculous question.

Hvitsirk glanced between his father, Brennan and the choking Princess. He trying to sustain laugher that consumed him, the kings face was amusing to him. How angry he became, all because he had sex with his sister. It was like arguing with his brothers.

"Forgive me, may I speak with the king alone?" Arianne's voice was stern as she spoke, rising from her chair. The atmosphere in the room grew darker, full of hatred between the siblings.

"Of course, by all means" Ragnar replied with a smile, he too needed to have a conversation with his son. Ragnar knew Jon Snow, once had an affair with his sister long ago. He was proud of Hvitsirk.

The siblings stormed out of the room, groaning the sighing angrily as they marched to Brennan's study. Slamming the door in her brothers face, as she walked into the room.

"Don't you ever! Talk to me like that in front of company" Arianne screamed, pointing at her brother angrily. Her words demanding and full of hatred towards him.

"Why not, hm? He's not even been here for 5 minutes and you've thrown yourself at him like a whore!" His words made her blood boil. How could he call her such a thing, she was not a whore. She had desirers, as did he.

"I'm not a one of your maids! I'm not a whore!" The two glared at each other, rage consuming them both. They would always love each other, but hatred grew between the two at the best of times. "Your just angry because it was a Viking. You've never liked them"

Brennan's eyes widened at her comment. She was right, his hatred was because Hvitsirk was a Viking. And the son of Ragnar Lothbrok at that. They were animals, not to be trusted.

Instead of continuing the argument, Brennan shook his head in defeat. Leaving the Princess alone in the room, to allow her strop to simmer.

Meanwhile back at the table, Ragnar and Hvitsirk were laughing, unlike the siblings.

"I might have guessed, you were never able to keep it in your pants" Ragnar chuckled, squeezing his sons shoulder proudly. Hvitsirk expected this reaction from him, all his sons were whores. Well except Ivar.

Brennan marched back into the room, his hands running through his hair in frustration. He leant against the table, figuring out what exactly to say to the two. When he finally had the words he spoke up.

"You may have the land you desire King Ragnar, farming purposes only I'm led to believe. My only request is you keep your sons away from my sister."

With a nod in approval, the pair left to venture wherever they pleased. It did not matter to Brennan where they went, as long as they were not in his castle.

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