Chapter 1 Everyday in Opico

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It's any day in Opico, I'm getting ready to go out. From my bedroom window I see clouds and blue skies as always. I put on a shirt and pants and go to the common room to eat breakfast.

I go down the stairs, the usual blue stairs, the ones I take every day at least 4 times. I arrive and sit down next to 03. Like every morning she tells me how happy she is to be going to work. Each of us in Opico has some task to do and at the end of the day we receive a sum of money to add to the one the mayor gave us when we were born. In Opico in fact the moment we come into the world we receive a sum that should be enough to live on until we pass away, then all our savings will go back into the hands of the Mayor.

"Use your nest egg well, make it work for you as much as you can and it will be enough for an epic life in Opico" so our mayor tells us every day and all of us in Opico try to do our best but it is not always easy. For example 73 last year he didn't manage to save enough money and some time later he disappeared, I don't know what happened to him but I understand, it's certainly not easy.

I am growing my nest egg well but only because I do my homework every day, even though I am quite bored.

After breakfast and getting rid of 03 and his endless speeches I go to work. Today I have to dust and arrange the books in the library. Once that's done I can go back to my room to rest.

"Tick, Tick, Tick."

It's time for a break, time for a snack. Usually, since I have to go back to work after lunch I stop to eat at Chipstick, the only place in Opico. There we can go have fun after work and we can drink a nice fresh Chipmik with each other.

While I'm working I think and rethink about a sentence 73 said to me before he disappeared: "08 there is a world out there, a world where everyone can do what they want, no boring tasks, just what you want and you can have your own house to live happily in and all your savings you can keep for yourself".

I think and think about it and I can't imagine a place where you can do what you want, without being forced to do boring tasks, instead I still couldn't understand what he meant by home, what did he mean by home? I live in my room, room 08, like everyone else, what will a home be? More importantly, where is this place?

Suddenly, while I'm absorbed in my thoughts I hear a distant voice that gradually gets louder, it's pec60, one of the mayor's collaborators, who tells me that I'm done for the day. I can finally go back to my room and rest.

While I go back as always I stop to look at the sky near the Ipera area, usually we are forbidden to get close, there are Ipecno, the vehicles that fly down, although none of us knows what is down there, the mayor is the only one who can use them, he says they are dangerous and only he knows how to do it, once one of us tried to pilot an Ipecno but not being able to do it he crashed beyond the border of the clouds, I do not think he is still alive.

After looking at the sky, the beautiful clouds, so white, snow white, I decide to move away quickly, before I get into trouble, and head for the room.

I climb my beloved blue stairs and finally arrive, Room 08, I get into bed while I wait for dinner and I co...lla...pse.

"Tick, Tick, Tick."

I realize it's time for dinner, blue stairs and it's off to the common room, as always 03 sits next to me and starts talking to me about how much fun she had today making ice sculptures but all I can think about is what 73 told me, who knows where he is now, who knows if he's free to do what he wants now, who knows if he has his own house.

"You should try 08, really, it's so much fun. I made a sculpture in the shape of Chipmik, yes really, in the shape of Chipmik, in fact tomorrow you will accompany me so I can show you!"

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