Chapter 5- The dream

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I hear a knock on the door of my room.

"08! 08! It's time to talk to the mayor!"

Oh God I fell asleep....

"08! What on earth are you doing? The mayor is waiting to tell you the truth! Do you want to be his collaborator or not?"

"Yes I'm coming! I'm coming!"

Quickly I leave the room.

How did I fall asleep? Let's just hope they weren't calling me for a long time.

"There you are finally, we've been knocking on the door for 15 minutes."

"Excuse me I was lying in bed and fell asleep without realizing it and then I had the strangest dream, it felt so real though. The mayor was telling me about how he created Opico and eventually agreed to make me his collaborator.... But the best part was that I had found my other half, his name was 06!"

"I don't care about your dream! If the mayor gets nervous, you'll have to deal with me!"

"Okay, okay ... calm pec60."

We walk, we walk and eventually we find ourselves in the square. It's time!

"Good evening mayor! Here I am, I'm ready to hear the truth."

"08, welcome! I see you are eager ... Well, let's begin.

"Opico, all started 25 years ago. First as you might have guessed I had a nice house in Los Angeles, I lived there, but then you know I realized there is so much suffering there. You walk down the streets and you see a lot of poor people, without a pico in their pocket. So I decided to create a place where everyone could aim to live a decent life. That's why everyone gets a sum of money at birth."

It doesn't quite match my weird dream....

I listen but I'm actually waiting for the "08 contributor" theme to come up.

"So well 08 I saved us from that suffering! However this must remain a secret because, you see 08, knowing that there is another world would make the citizens of Opico doubt my sincerity to them while my intent is only to protect you"

"Thank you mayor, I understand completely"

"Let's cut to the chase, shall we? 08?

"Yes Mr. Mayor, I'd like to.

"Good, I know you want to be my collaborator and I want to give you a chance because you inspire me with confidence"

"Yes! Thank you Mr. Mayor! You won't regret it."

"But you're on probation. We'll keep an eye on you for the first moment, I trust you, I've already told you but this is the practice for collaborators. All you have to do is act like you always do and keep this secret."

"Of course Mr. Mayor. That's fine."

"If at the end of this trial period you have behaved properly you can use a hypecno and go up and down worlds a few times! Also I hear you're interested in houses, do your homework and you might even get one."

I think I have the power to predict the future, it scares me....

"But mayor I don't have the money, I make good money but not that much."

"You do the work! Your mayor might even consider rewarding you for your good behavior!"

"Ohh thank you mayor! You are a great person.

"That's settled then. I'll get back to you as much as I need to. You may go."

"See you soon Mayor!"

That went better than I thought it would! Maybe I'll even get the house I wanted.

I will also get the chance to go to the other world like I had dreamed.

Now the only thing missing is to find my other half, like in my dream!

But for that maybe I'll have to wait, meanwhile I go to the common room, it's dinner time.

As usual he sits next to me 03, hopefully he doesn't start telling me about his whole day, I couldn't handle it.

"08 there you are! You can't imagine what I did today..."

No.No. Think about the house, think about LA.

Finished dinner I go back to my room, I'm so happy, finally my life won't be boring anymore.

Good night Opico, see you tomorrow!

One month later...

It's been a month since I had that nice little talk with the mayor. Since then I have kept it a secret from everyone. Occasionally the mayor would call me to run little errands for him. I still haven't gotten permission to go to the other world, though, and I won't be able to while I'm on probation. But the good news is that today maybe it will end and I will be for all intents and purposes his collector. He asked me to meet him at 10:00, it's still 9:00 so I'm going to go to the common room for breakfast first.

I walk down the blue stairs, they look nicer today or maybe it's me.

I sit at the only "free" table, there's a girl but she's alone so I put my breakfast in the other corner of the table.

She seems reserved so I greet her with a simple "hello".


"I haven't seen you around, are you new?"

"Yeah, I got here yesterday, I'm 06, nice to meet you!"

What? 06? 06 from my dream? I can't believe it...

What if she really is my soulmate, what if my dream wants to warn me that I would meet her soon?

"I'm 08, nice to meet you!"

"Well how do you like it here? Have you had a tour yet?"

"Actually no, yesterday pec32 explained what my duties are, showed me the common room, the square and my room"

"Yes pec32 not really the best guide you can find here.... I really have to go now, I have to go talk to our mayor but if you want to later I'll show you the most beautiful places in Opico!"

"Maybe, thanks 08! Then I'll see you back here."

"Yes, he will be here at 11.

I run to the mayor, it's less than 5 minutes to 10.

"Here I am Mr. Mayor!"

"Hello 08! Well, it's been a month and you have shown yourself to be a reliable citizen. I'm happy to tell you that as of today you are officially my co-worker!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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