| 4 | Green and Purple |

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"Yesterday was UNBELIEVABLE!!!" Fukidashi yelled as the Villian Team were standing in the Infirmary. Why you may ask?

"Did Deku do something stupid and got himself injured so he wouldn't have to face me?" Bakugo wondered.

"In a nicer way, I also think they're all present because of Midoriya. Kero." Tsu replied.

Most of the class began agreeing and Midoriya felt like he was being stabbed through the back, especially since Koda muttered a small apology siding with the others. Even Recovery Girl!

"Ack- guys?!" Midoriya cried.

"... I guess I understand why you think like that."

But it wouldn't make sense, One I was last seen discussing with the last group. Two it would most likely be a victim of the sneak attack. Midoriya thought.

"Unbelievable, yeah!~" Kaminari sang somehow the lyrics of a song appeared as Fukidashi finished his sentence. Most people looked at him confused while Tensei grinned.

"Unbelievable, you are." He joined in, off tune, but it was still appealing to the ears. Kaminari began to nudge Jiro's arm, internally begging her to finish.

"Unbelievable~" Jirou whispered before hiding her cherry face.

Yesterday, during the sneak attack, some of the students got injured but Aoyama was the worst, result of one of Shoda's attack. Most of his injuries were healed thanks to Recovery Girl, but he still had a broken arm and he wasn't left with enough stamina to heal it. So, he was on bed rest. And now they are here. In the infirmary.

"Sorry." Shoda apologized to his counterpart.

"It's alright, mon amie~"

"I knew it." Midoriya smiled. But it quickly turned into a frown.

"Aoyama-kun, sorry."

"No worries Midoriya-san~☆ We are friends correct?"

"Oh, sorry Deku-kun..." Uraraka sheepishly said while the others also apologize.

"N-no worries."

"Wait... Midoriya always hurts his arms... and now Aoyama... IS THAT GOING TO HAPPEN TO ALL OF US?!" Kaibara asked worried for his bones.

"Aoyama-san... that must of hurt." Momo winced.

"I just realized something, that french kid is always looking at the screen anytime he's shown." Compress spoke fixing his mask.

"So he's self-aware." Best Jeanest replied fixing his hair.

"Yeah... I guess it was too much... You okay Aoyama?" Midoriya asked as he rubbed the back of his head as everyone else sighed heavily.

"J-Je vais b-bein~" Aoyama replied.

Je... what??? Those who couldn't speak French thought.

"Japanese please, I don't speak baguette."

"That's good.... Wait. But why didn't you dodge?! That was the whole point of the attack!! For you to learn how to deal with such a situation!!" Midoriya exclaimed afterwards. Everyone else sighed heavily once again.

The inhabitants of the studio all collectively sighed. "Who knew Midoriya is such a strict leader, I can feel my counterpart's pain." Kaminari groaned.

Nezu turned around to face Shinsou who was staring at the screen or more rather sulking.

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