| 31.5 - Renovations and Rest = Doors |

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Now guys before you attack me once again for not updating in so long, please note that I didn't take more than 5 months. 

This is quite an important chapter, as it would signify some changes in the book. 

However, I liked how Zuki-san's chapters matched with mine (in a way) so I added the '.5'

Hope you enjoy it.


The air was brimming with anticipation and eyes peered at the flickering screen; it seemed that Todoroki's ice hadn't only coated the electronics but froze it completely, if the ever-constant whirring white circle didn't explain much.

Midoriya was beginning to cool down as the onslaught of compliments eventually died. As if hypnotized all noises cease for long seconds, maybe already passing a few minutes as their eyes were stuck to the blank eye monster. (As my mother likes to call it.) All awaiting the next scene...


If only it'd start.

Hesitant steps echoed throughout the studio, stepping onto the small podium where the dysfunctional electronic stood. Her fingers danced around the melting ice as if trapped in a waltz. Her brown eyes darkened and her lips quivered with a mournful sigh.

In a puff of smoke, the television was forcefully removed from its position, wires and all.

"I have a few things to announce." She said, her voice hauntingly low- demanding all of their attention. A few audibly gulped at those words, they had a feeling what those entailed... consequences.

And oh, they didn't like the sound of that.

Something many of them didn't want to face, who would? The girl's demeanor instantly became darker - possibly not over the earlier incident.

Yet this undescribed emotion cowered to the back of her irises whenever she made eye contact with someone. Izuku felt something was bothering the girl, but that natural defense; her harsh glare, left little room to figure out what.

The girl in question casually sat on the podium, legs crossed and back arched forward, her gaze didn't change much. It was still dark, still unreadable and it worried those below what could happen, what her next actions- words would be.

Izuku walked towards the front, a slight glow of determination flashing past as he kept eye contact. He stuck with Kacchan for years, there was no way he'd cower.

'I'll observe for now, it doesn't seem like she'll open up anytime soon.'

"Hah. Firstly, I'm sorry for my conduct earlier. It wasn't 'professional' in any way and I caused you all to worry-" She paused, her eyes falling upon the minority that wasn't interested in what she had to say.

"- those who were bothered by my outburst anyways." Her palm fanned at the air as if an insignificant thought came to mind.

"... secondly, the responsibility of the 'Machia Tantrum' is all on me. I did 'erase' his quirks, but I failed to think about his physical strength. As well as his short temper." Alisha looked down at her lap, facing away from her audience as a feeble way to hide her vulnerability.

'My control weakened the moment I bent the rules and activated nearly everyone's quirks. I still feel it draining at a rapid rate. I'll need to fix everything before they notice. They shouldn't face my consequences.' Her eyes glowered on the popsicle, humming a flat tune.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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