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After six months of me brainstorming on the plot, this book is finally out :D

"Woah six months?! Narrator-san has been working really hard on this." Midnight gasped at her tenacity.

"Yo! It just makes me, even more, hyped once remembering Civil War!!" Yamada cheered sitting excitedly on a couch, it came with the room.

Aizawa didn't care as much, all he wanted to do was rest. But knowing his friend- co-workers, he wouldn't get an ounce of sleep. He noticed Mina and Kirishima being rather quiet which was already very concerning.

Oh, problem children.


"Hey, there's the wavy '~O~' again!" Uraraka pointed out.

"Yeah!" Eri nodded. Earlier she moved seats to sit closer to Midoriya.

The night sky that stretched above the area was dark enough to tell them that the sun was not going to rise anytime soon.

The smoke from the fire, the debris from the buildings, and the flames of the conflagration blended in the dark night, making it frightening.

"Eh? Did Todoroki-kun have anything to do with this?" Midoriya asked confused.

"Nah man, maybe it was Dabi."Tetsutetsu pointed at the discolorated adult.

"My flames are blue- didn't we already go through this process stage??? It's probably Endeavour." Dabi shifted the blame unto the Pro Hero.

"We wouldn't know who was the cause of the flames if you keep on interrupting, Nezu, start the recording, please."

Hawks gasped from above Endeavour. "Hey! I'm not the only one who heard him say please right??"


But to him - to the boy who stood there watching - there was something even more frightening to worry about...

"What could be more frightening than this scene? It looks like a volcano and an earthquake fought with one another to see who was the most destructive." Sero announced.

"The volcano wins!" Kaminari yelled which caused a few to snort.

The blood of his comrades, the screams of the ones trying to fight for their lives and... And the most horrible thing; the laughter of the enemy.


"Well that just went dark," Nemuri said as the screen went black and screams of anguish and war fled across the room. Along with Mineta's screams.

As if on instinct Midoriya covered Eri's ears hoping the sounds would be muffled.



"Ah, sh*t don't tell me the ghost wasn't a friendly ghost." Awase sighed while Manga looked at him confused.

"What did you expect? Casper??"

"Who's that?"

"Anyways! Why did the ghost have to be bad??" Mina wailed.


"Oh come on! Why show black when there's blood!!" Muscular yelled at the screen.

"EXACTLY!! It's like they want us to murder them!" Toga yelled upset.

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