Chapter 55: Life In A Glasshouse

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"Mr. Yao?" Janine calls, clutching her headset. "Come in. A.N.N.I.E. has-"

"Sam can't hear you, Janine," A.N.N.I.E. interrupts, her voice taunting. "But the Glass Protocol can."

A high-pitched laughter echoes down the halls, the sound seeming to rip through the darkness and go straight through me. The lights are off now, curtesy of A.N.N.I.E. I can barely see anything.

"Oh, Employee Five, that is the laughter of a predator whose prey has walked into its lair. It is stronger here, where the bones of its victims lie. It will toy with you, as a cat does a mouse. But what it is going to do to you, a cat cannot do to a mouse. It is not for human eyes to look upon, but I can see it."

My chest tightens.

"Runner Five, Janine, Amelia, listen to me!" A new voice shouts from the speakers.

"Veronica?" I say, my voice shaking. Every hair is on end. I can hear my heart pounding, my blood roaring in my ears. I was so stupid! I forgot all about this, all about A.N.N.I.E. and Project Glass. I forgot about the risk, how it was always coming for me.

I remember some of A.N.N.I.E.'s taunts in previous visions, but that was so long ago. I haven't heard much about A.N.N.I.E. in months. Sure, I've had a few run-ins with Valmont, but with everything that's happened...

I was stupid. I started worrying about different things and forgot about old threats. I let my guard down because there was so much silence regarding this-regarding the Glass Protocol. A.N.N.I.E. must have known this. I played right into her trap.

So freaking stupid!

"It's me," Veronica says. "I can't hold her off for long. I've been in touch with Mr. Valmont. I messaged him as soon as the doors closed. I had to tell him what I am. He's very sorry this has happened. This part of A.N.N.I.E. is rogue, not connected to the main part at all.

"He's given me a code to temporarily access the building's systems and I can do a few tiny things, but A.N.N.I.E. can still hear us. I have to be careful what I say. You've walked into a trap, and there's no choice but to keep walking. This is the birthplace of the Glass Protocol."

I tremble. "Oh, God."

"It is at its most powerful here, but also its most vulnerable. I can't tell you how. I'm sorry. She can hear me."

"Veronica, why did you warn us?" Janine asks accusingly.

"A.N.N.I.E.'s been hiding this from me, and Mr. Valmont too. That's very clever of you, A.N.N.I.E." If she had a face, I can only imagine the annoyed expression Veronica would have. "I assume she gave intel to Jones about that chemical neutralizer to lure you here. And she was careful to make sure the building appeared completely without power until the trap was sprung. The Glass Protocol will never stop hunting Callista. It won't stop until it's killed her. It has to be dealt with, but I can't help you. If I make a move, A.N.N.I.E. will counter. You're on your own."

Janine looks at me, and through the shadows I can see her wide-eyed expression before her blue eyes narrow in determination. "So, what do we do, Veronica?"

"Act as you always do. It will get you through," She answers, and my face scrunches up at her vagueness.

Amelia rolls her eyes. "Your confidence is touching, but entirely misplaced. The way I always act is to avoid getting myself in stupid situations like this in the first place."

Janine gives her a glare. "Your fate is tied to ours, Ms. Spens, whether you like it or not."

More laughter reaches my ears, louder this time. I can't tell where it's coming from.

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