Chapter 19: If I Could Tell Her

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I sigh as I walk through the streets of Abel. The cold tap, tap, tap of rain hitting the hood of my raincoat overwhelms my senses. My skin prickles and I feel as if I'm dragging myself through molasses.

Besides the water itself, it's not cold. The air is humid and thick and makes each sharp inhale that much harder. Mud and rock shift under my feet, some of it sticking to my shoes to carry with me as I head through the township.

I pass very few people. Most of us have been trying to stay indoors, staying in our assigned area, doing our assigned job and nothing more in order to avoid getting wet. We can't wash clothes too often. Only runner's uniforms are washed after every use, but only because re-wearing sweaty clothes can cause infections and skin irritations. Plus, we have run-ins with zoms and other grotesque things that should be washed away immediately.

Casual wear is supposed to be thrown into the washroom after a few wears, and some people don't even do that because they are afraid something might get stolen. I mean, most clothing stores have already been raided, so seeing a cute dress can cause anyone to get a case of sticky fingers.

I think that's why I'm not allowed to do laundry. As much as people like me, they do know my tendencies to take things to add to collection of trinkets. It's less work for me so I've never argued, even though I've never actually taken someone's clothes. What they left in their pockets, on the other hand...

Back to the point, the rain will make the clothes smell and grow mildew, and no one wants that. So instead they're all staying inside while I trek back to the Rec Building. I left Phineas there with Nicole, since I didn't want him running off to a secret place to play with Alejandro. Unlike me, he can catch cold out here.

He's probably pissed that I left him with a babysitter, even more so that that babysitter is Nicole, who dislikes kids despite the fact that she's just left childhood herself. But I need to keep at least one child in check since Milo still refuses to listen.

He was supposed to return to Abel over two weeks ago. I've lost track of time because of everything that's happened, but looking at the calendar I realized he was supposed to return home September 9th and it's already September 20th. I have half a mind to come drag him home right now, but the rain's only getting heavier and I don't want to have to try to run to New Canton and back through it, especially when there are regular zombies, V-Types and Last Riders out there.

And the Last Riders are probably furious that we stole their supplies nine days ago. Since there were some that saw us run into the theatre, then they must have saw our uniforms. Janine's had every runner take a pistol with them as extra precaution, even for smaller runs like supply and trade. Nothing has happened since then, but it's best not to risk it.

I make it to the Rec building, wiping off my feet on the mat that's worn and ragged. We need to get new ones. These have been here for ages. But that will be for another supply run, I guess.

I step inside and shed my raincoat, drops of water falling to the hardwood floor silently. I hang the coat up before surveying the main room, where a few children are playing together with their parents or caretakers. I walk past them, sending small smiles and waves to the few children who look up and spot me.

Phineas is in the next room. To my surprise he isn't sitting in the corner scowling over being stuck here. Instead he's sitting cross-legged on the floor with Nicole, showing her how to make an origami owl. Nicole isn't smiling, but her face isn't a blank slate of disinterest, which seems to be enough motivation for Phineas to keep going and finish with the owl.

Nicole looks up at me, and the motion makes Phineas do the same. Both share the same neutral look at seeing me, which is better than the scowl I thought I would get from Phineas.

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