Ch. 23 "Finn"

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                                          Jayden POV 

Ever since what happened I've been kinda sticking to Kol like glue, I mean what I saw upset me, Seeing Kol get killed thinking he would never come back, 

I'm sitting on the couch with Kol watching a movie while he drank from a glass, 

"Have you two been here all day?" Klaus said walking in 

"Of course I'm spending time with my little bunny," Kol said tabbing my nose with his finger, 

"That's not funny," I said giving him a playful glare, 

"Oh you know you love it," He said 

"Okay little bird your coming with me," Klaus said 

"Oh come on Niklaus were having fun," Kol said 

"No your teaching her to be you," Klaus said 

"And what's so bad about that?" Kol said smirking 

"Umm, guys I'm still right here," I said 

Me and Klaus walked out of the hours, 

"So where are we going oh fearless leader," I said in a joking way, 

Klaus chuckled, 

"To the city to find Finn," He said 

I nodded 

"Hello, Finn" Klaus said 

" Hello, Niklaus. Jayden... I have nothing to say to you " Finn said to Klaus 

"I'm not here to chat. I will ask you one thing, though, where's our mother? " Klaus said 

"Gone to find another way to end our abominable lives. And when she does, I will sacrifice myself all over again " Finn said 

I looked at Klaus worried but he didn't seem worried what so ever, 

"How fortunate that I found you. I require your assistance" Klaus said  

"I have no wish to help you. Only to see you dead" Finn said 

"Dead?" I asked 

"Jayden you would understand if you would only know the truth," Finn said 

"She does know the truth," Klaus said 

Finn looked taken back, 

"She excepts us for who we are, even though what we've done," Klaus said 

Finn looked at me then back at Klaus,

"Anyway Well, that's the thing. You see, you won't be able to see me dead because if I die, then you die, so it's a wish unfulfilled " Klaus said 

"Oh, bother someone else with your hollow charms, Niklaus" Finn said 

" Why? When I can bother my big brother? I need you to accompany me back to Mystic Falls. I have a witch there who can help undo Esther's spell that linked us together" Klaus said  

" I have no wish to be unlinked!" Finn said 

" Again with the wishes. Let me rephrase... you will come back with me or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted for 900 years" Klaus said  

" What happens to one happens to all. You may not feel the effects of the dagger, but you'd lose your precious Rebekah" Finn said  

" Wouldn't be the first time" Klaus said 

 (Finn runs with his vampire speed and goes in an alley but Rebekah is there waiting for him) 

" Let's not make this any worse than it has to be, darling brother " Bekah said 

"You're siding with him? Rebekah, he stored us in boxes" Finn said  

" At least he's not trying to make us extinct" Bekah said 

 (Klaus rejoins them)

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" Finn said 

"Oh, yeah, that's right, you've got a death wish. Fine. Pathetic, but fine. The thing is, I'm not going to have you take the rest of us down with you" Klaus said 

 (He catches his and throws him against the wall. Finn is on the ground. Klaus looks at him and then at Rebekah, smiling.)

I looked at them worried 

"Oh don't look at us like that little bird," Klaus said 

"But.." I said 

"Don't worry little owl were not going anywhere we promise," Bekah said 

I nodded 

I was back in the mansion I was in the living room reading but mostly I was thinking, 

Should I reach out to my sister and brother? but why should I they have made no such attempt, do they even miss me? I thought 

Then I hear someone clear their throat, I look up to see Elijah, 

"Would you care to go fro a walk with me?" He asked smiling at me, 

I smiled back 

"I would love that," I said closing the book, 

I was about to go to the main room, 

"How about we go out the back," He said 

I arched my brow, 

"Rebekah and Klaus got into a little spat you don't want to go in there," Elijah said 

I nodded and we walked out of the back 

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