Ch. 31 "Guilt"

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                                                       Jayden POV 

It's been a few days since Elena explained to me that Ester linked me to all the Mikalson's, the one's who treat me like their sibling, 

Who take care of me, 

Who cheer me up when I'm sad, 

who love me like a sibling, who would do anything for me, 

And now, if anything would happen to me, it would effect them, it would be and is my fault, 

I haven't spoken to Elena, this is all her fault, I know I shouldn't blame her she's my sister, but how can't I at every turn when I finally feel like I'm above water, she drags me down again

It has also been a few days since Ric decided not to feed to become a vampire, that broke me also I looked to him as a father figure, even thought I have been with the Mikalson's I always made time to spend with Ric, 

Sure he was a little pissed off when I disappeared with Klaus but he warmed up to the idea, 

I am currently walking through town, I haven't spoken to either Mikalson's or Salvatore's 

I mean I don't even know where I would begin, 

Hey Klaus, Kol, Elijah Rebekah, my sister worked with Ester oh but don't worry I'm the one that is linked to you guys so if I die you die no biggie 

Yeah I have a feeling that conversation wouldn't go very well, 

And Dame and Stefan they have been after trying to kill Klaus and his siblings for a while Damon would probably just snap my neck, I thought 

I wiped a tear away from my cheek, 

I bumped into someone, 

"Oh sorry-" I began and looked up, 

"Ric?" I asked 

"Hello Jay," He said smirking 

Next thing I know everything went black, 

                                       Klaus POV 

Me and my siblings searched high and low for any signs of Jayden but couldn't find head or hair of the little bird, 

"Where the bloody hell are you?" I mumbled 

According to the Salvatore's my mother linked her life to ours so if anything happens to her it will happen to us as well, 

I'm on my way to Elena's home to collect her and to find out where my little bird is, 

                                    Third Person POV 

" Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me."Rebekah said 

"Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be dead. " Klaus said 

" Well, he's not. And he's vampire thanks to mother's spell with a white oak stake that can't kill him. He is strong, Nik. Too strong. " Rebekah said 

"We must find Jayden before he does," Klaus said 

Rebekah nodded, 

Sure they were concerned about the link but they were more concerned for the girls wellbeing as well, 

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