Ch. 29 "Fun with Kol"

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                                              Jayden POV 

Me and Kol are a few towns over just walking around as I listened to him talk, I really do Like Kol, he is my best friend even though he's a thousand year old vampire, 

"And then Nik said if you don't bloody stop I'm going to dagger you," Kol said 

I giggled at him imitating Nik's voice, 

"What did you do to make him so mad?" I asked 

"I may have drank the blood of his help and got blood on his favorite carpet in the living room," He said 

I giggled at him again, 

Even thought I know what Kol is doing, he is trying to get my mind off of my sister and everyone forgetting my birthday,  

That is why I'm so close to all of them, they took the time even thought they had no idea it was my birthday to plan a party, and cheer me up, 

It is something family does, 

And sadly as much as I try to deny it, my family is broken, 

Broken beyond repair, 

I look over at Kol he's staring, 

Great, think of something, 

"Yo," I said 

Really Jayden that's all you can think of!? I thought 

"Did you just say yo to me?" He said stopping in his tracks 

"Umm, no I said no, yeah, yeah that's what I said," I said smiling at him, 

He arched his brow, 

"Your thinking about them again aren't you?" He asked 

I tuned my head away, 

"No.." I mumbled 

"I may be old, but I'm not gullible," He said 

I sighed, 

"I just wish I could understand," I said sighing again, 

"Understand?" He asked 

"Understand what I did, Understand why-" I mumbled but not quite getting the words out, 

"Listen Bunny their, no, no she's at fault, granted I'm not a fan of the Salvatore brothers, but they had no idea, but your sister she should have been the first to tell you and them, at least a card," Kol said 

"I guess," I mumbled 

"Don't guess I know, you think she would be a better sister after your adventure with Nik and living with us, not that I'm complaining I rather enjoy your company, Nik can't take a joke, Rebekah whines too much, and Elijah is way too serious," Kol said 

I giggled, 

"There is the smile I am looking for,' He said 

"Come let us forget about your bratty sister," He said grabbing my hand, 

We walked into a bar, 

"Kol I don't think.." I mumbled 

"Oh come on live a little Bunny, I promise I will not tell my siblings, I know how they can get sometimes," He said winking at me, 

We both sat down at the bar, and Kol compelled the bartender, 

I had a shot in my hand and so did Kol, 

"Too pain in the ass siblings," Kol said 

"Don't let Nik hear you say that," I said smirking clinking my glass with his, and I downed my drink like I've drank for years, 

Okay I'm not sure how many drinks I had, but I'm guessing it was a lot, because right now, Kol is holding my arm that is wrapped around his neck, while the other was on my hip trying to keep me balanced, 

"You are a light weight bunny," He said chuckling, 

"And you are old," I slurred 

Kol chuckled 

It was dark by the time we walked through the door, and there stood Elijah, and Nik with their arms crossed, 

"Where the bloody hell where you? do you have any idea what time it is?" Nik said scrunching his face, 

"Y-You look like an old man when you scrunch your face like that," I slurred 

Which cause Kol to burst out laughing and cover my mouth with his hand so I wouldn't talk no more, 

"Is she drunk?" Elijah asked a little upset, 

I pulled Kol's hand down, 

"No, it's magical fairy dust," I slurred 

"She definitely drunk," Rebekah said coming in with a disapproving tone, 

"Kol what did you get her into," Nik said not happy 

"She needed it, he siblings pulling her down, I mean I can relate," Kol said 

"Like you can talk, you have three none of them forget you exist," I said slurring and pointing at him lazily 

"Alight you got me there, but I was daggered for quite some time," Kol said 

"Alright I'm taking her to bed," Nik said grabbing me which made me stumbled 

                                         Klaus POV 

I was beyond pissed with Kol, getting little bird drunk, he is setting a bad example, I thought as I carried her up to her room, 

I laid her on the bed taking her shoes off, and covering her up with the blankets, 

"Sleep well little bird," I said 

"Please don't forget me..." She whispered as she slept 

"Never would even think of it little bird," I whispered back,

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