尺口匕匕モれ ム丹尺刀モれ

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I walked of the Ramen Shop groaning, maybe I had overdone it a little, I feel like I won't need to eat for a week after that large bowl of Ramen. Now I understand why Naruto loves it so much. To bad I learnt that the hard way.

Ok, the next thing on my To-Do-List is to write that riddle to trick Light into meeting with us, maybe it could go something like this;

tσ ríd thє gαrdєn σf rσttєn αpplєѕ,
thє gαrdєnєr muѕt fírѕt ríd thє plαcє σf wєєdѕ αnd thσrnѕ,
єvєn íf thєч muѕt grαpplє,
thєч muѕt cαrrч σut whαt thєч hαvє ѕwσrє,
thєír pσwєr σf thє gαrdєn ѕσ grєєn,
wíll вє ímmєαѕurαвlє ѕσ put αwαч чσur rulєr,
thєrєfσrє єvєrч єчє wíll ѕσσn hαvє ѕєєn,
α nєw gαrdєn wíthσut α ѕínglє íntrudєr,

вut вєfσrє αnч σf thíѕ mαч tαkє plαcє,
thєrє αrє pєѕtѕ thєч muѕt єlímínαtє,
thєч muѕt plαn thє gαrdєn ѕσ ít wíll fít αll,
whєthєr вíg σr ѕmαll,
ít wíll вє ѕσ nσ pєѕt gєt ín,
fαt σr єvєn thín,

thєѕє gαrdєnєrѕ muѕt вєgín tσ plαnt thє ѕєєdѕ,
αt α plαcє σf mαnч,
hσuѕє numвєr thrєє,
σn thє rσαd tσ mírαí,
thєч wíll вєgín tσ ѕσw thєír hєαrtѕ αwαч,
вєfσrє thє chíldrєn cσmє σut tσ plαч,
thєч wíll wσrk αnd wσrk,
níght αnd dαч,
'tíll thєír gαrdєn íѕ σvєrflσwíng,
wíth pєαcє αnd glσrч,
thєír hєαrtѕ єvєrflσwlíng,
'tíll thє єnd σf thíѕ ѕtσrч,

σnlч thσѕє whσ undєrѕtαnd thíѕ vєrѕє,
wíll frєє thíѕ rσttєn gαrdєn σf ítѕ curѕє

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