Chapter 33

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I called all her friends and nobody has seen her or heard from her. She turned in all her school work for the next two weeks.

She's with Legend.! Martavion said as he sat on the bed to take his stuff off.

How did you figure that?

He did a drop for me a couple days ago and haven't been back to work since. I went by his house and the doors was locked one of his cars was gone the neighbor said he left with some bags a couple nights ago.

We have to find them.!

Oh I am.! And I'm going to kill him. I told him choose one or the other her or this business he chose to do business and now they on the run.

Well why the hell would you do that Martavion you knew he was in love with her.

He's old enough to make his own decisions at the end of the day Magic I got money to be made it's either he's going to work or not ain't no hand outs or favoritism when it comes to this shit. She should of chose him instead of that other boy in the first place.

That's not fair.!

How isn't it? Like I said they both old enough to make they own decisions.

I can't believe this shit.! Where do you think they could be?

I don't know bae, but I'm going to find her relax.

I can't relax it's been 3 days and my daughter has chose to literally disappear.

Okay first off she's with Legend which means if anything happens he can protect her. I'm sure they have money, food, and water and a place to sleep so there isn't much to worry about. We will find her.

How can you be so sure?

Because he looks at her the way I first looked at you when I realized I was in love with you.! He said as he pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around me. I took a deep breath and let everything out.

I trust you....

I know you do.! Get in the bed and I'll be right back. He said turning the lights off and walking out the room. I climbed into our bed and got under the covers. My stomach was starting to hurt so I layed back and tried to relax.

Martavion came back and had a bowl of ice cream In his hands. He pulled me between his legs and we shared ice cream and watched a movie. Sometimes he could be so sweet and others he was so harsh and mean.

Baby you woke.? I asked laying on top of him.

Yeah Mag.? He said sleepy.

Can we talk.?

Bout what.?

I'm sorry.!


Acting up, but my feelings are so hurt like I know you have no control over this situation right now but I just hate this all. I don't want that little boy to be yours at all I don't want to welcome someone else's child into my family but than again he looks at me with eyes like yours and my heart melts. He so polite and well mannered. He's literally just like miracle so sweet and vulnerable. And I feel like they can learn a lot from each other. Than I just want to protect him from the world because he doesn't deserve anything he's going through.....

You don't have to accept him if you don't want to Mag I know this is hard as hell the shit hard on me....but as a father already if he's mine I'm going to take care of him and treat him no different from the rest of our kids. But I understand your frustration and I understand where your coming from. Hurt doesn't just heal overnight it takes time. But I thank you for still being by myside all though it's hurting you.

I forgive you....

Your the only one I want in my life for the rest of my life. I look forward to raising our kids with you everyday. I look forward to loving you and being with you everyday. Always remember that. He kissed my forehead and held me tighter. I felt so good to finally get that off my chest.!

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