Chapter 186

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As of right now Queen a early graduation can be in your future. You have all your credits and it's looking good for you! But however you'll just need your brother or mother to sign off on these forms.

But I'm not living with them. My brother isn't my guardian any more.

Well who is?

Nobody....I have my own house! I don't have a guardian that can sign these.

Well we would need proof from the state that you where emancipated or something. We have to have a parent or guardian approval for early graduation.

How am I gonna get proof?

I don't know hunny, see if your brother can just sign off on these.

He's not going to!

Well than your going to have to wait until next year to graduate.

No I need to graduate now.! It's important that I do! I need to be able to give my baby the best life possible.

Than get these papers back to me. Are you on welfare or anything?


Than sign up for some assistance and you can have your case worker sign off on them. You know most teen moms end up on welfare anyways and coming from your situation it could probably help you a lot!

Excuse me? I don't need no fuckin welfare! That's what's wrong with y'all older black women. It was hard for y'all so y'all try to play us! I'm glad you ain't my mama. I grabbed the papers off her desk and stormed out. I can't believe she just insulted the fuck out of me.

I went to my locker to get my things for my last class. I hated this school and everything about it. I walked down the hall and seen Micah and Halo together. They was smiling and gazing into each other's eyes. I guess he made his mind up of who he really wanted. We made eye contact as I passed them. I should just get a fuckin abortion! I got my whole life ahead of me! I could possibly have another baby. I wanted my child to grow up with a whole family not a broken home. This pregnancy is no where enjoyable for me. I'm actually pretty depressed than on top of this I got this news of graduating early but it may not happen. I refuse to go to that house to see my brother and beg for him to sign these papers.

I felt sick to my stomach. I went and took my seat in math and took all my stuff out. I just wanted this day to be over just as fast as it started.

This might be Queen's last P.O.V.

Only if y'all want a spin off of her.......and I'll show what Monster looks like as well.

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