Chapter 151

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I put all the food away because I wasn't hungry no more. Micah walked to the door like a sad puppy. He had away of saying stuff without saying stuff. We shared our last kiss, our last hug and the last time we'll ever have sex again. Apart of me wanted me to scream and cry and hold on to him and tell him I love him, I was in love with him and I didn't wanna let him go! And the other part was in defense mode. Nobody really gives a fuck about me anyways. I stood by the window watching his car pull out the driveway. I made sure the door was locked and went upstairs to my room and layed across the bed. I wiped my tears and told myself to stop crying.

Why is it when I get a pinch of happiness it's always being taken away.
My phone started ringing and it was Alex.

Hello! I answered.

Ewww are you fuckin crying?!

No! I lied with a laugh.

You better not, cause we don't cry! But what's wrong with you?

Nothing I'm just frustrated.

Tell me Queen!

Nothing I promise!


Alex I'll be okay.

Not taking no for an answer! Thanks to you baking my cake for me last week I know where you live Hoe I'm on the way over.! She said before hanging up. I got up and got in the shower. I washed my body and cried all at the same time. Is this what an actual break up feel like?

I got out and dried off. I put some lotion on and than some pajamas. By the time I was done Alex was banging on the door like she was the police. I opened the door and she had two bags. One was a duffel bag and the other was a bag full of snacks and junk. She dropped her bags and hugged me tight and I bursted into tears.

Don't cry! She said look I got something that's gone cheer you up! She said pulling out a bottle of Stella rose. She took my hand leading me to my kitchen grabbing to glasses. "What's going on?"

It's's really over...

What is?

I was dating Micah I guess you can say.

Jackson? She asked surprised.

No wonder home girl was steering you down like she wanted to kill you! She said taking a gulp of her wine. "How did you guys even started talking? First of all Jackson's your type? He like a popular pretty thug!" She laughed.

Yeah well I didn't know he was my type until everything happened. One day months ago I left my book in the gym and he was sitting there I spoke and we had a conversation. From there we started talking more and more you know the whole time he had a girlfriend well she wasn't just his girlfriend he had actually got married to the girl Halo...


Exactly! Comes to find out Halo got pregnant and it was between Micah and some other guy she was cheating on Micah the entire time. While he was going through that I was going through my own shit at home and he was there for me. We got closer and closer snd closer and we started spending all this time together. Member I told you about the dinner thing...


Yeah all that was cause of her! He told me that he loved me and wanted to take things further. I knew he was still in love with her I knew like everything we was forming was to good to be true.....he started getting distant but still would try to talk to me....Alex he got me this house and bought me that truck.! He gave me money to furnish the house and everything. The rent is paid up for a year, all my bills is set up to his account and he pays everything.

What?!!!!!!!! What the hell so what's the problem?

I'm not no number two ass bitch! He's been staying here fucking me raw than the next he's over there with her probably fuckin her raw too I mean she was his wife and they love each other.
He just left not to long ago and we had this huge I don't even know what to call it and I told him I'm not waiting on him to decide what he wants. I don't come second to no female and especially not someone like her.

And what he say?

He respects my wishes than we had sex and he left.

That's it?

Yup but he told me that somebody threatened Halo on my behalf! Which was what started the whole thing. She grabbed her wine glass so fast and started gulping her wine down.

It's wine in here you want some more wine! She asked pouring herself more.


Okayyyyy, okayyyyy I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I over heard her threatening you that one day. That shit ain't been sitting well with me since than. Your a sweetheart Queen and you deserve so much better. I put two and two together and was gone knock that bitch out.! Look I look at you as a friend....a sister of you will....we are growing closer and you know I don't play that jail shit so I had did what needed to be done. Now I know you ain't no scary bitch but I know your worried about going back to jail and you got a scholarship your counting on. As long as I'm around nobody is going to fuck that up for you! I jumped up and hugged her.

Thank you!

Now I can call my man and we can gone head and jump Micah or jump Halo ass which one!

Neither they deserve each other.!

I'm saying girl you want yo man I can get you yo man! Hell ask about me. I'll tie his ass up snd bring him right to you babeeeeee! Don't play!

Your stupid! I laughed.

Nah but for real I'm sorry babe, look he'll realize what he had and what he don't have no more. He'll be back they always come back! And until than I brought some stuff and I'm spending the night to make sure your mind is off him.

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