Chapter 132

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Majesty can I ask you something? Miracle asked coming into my room.

Yeah babe what's up?

I got a boyfriend....

A boyfriend? Miracle you is to young for a boyfriend! I laughed placing Major on the bed between my legs.

Majesty no I'm not!!!! I'm 12! He's in 9th grade.

Miracle your in 7th grade dating a 9th grader the hell! No I don't approve. Not at all what is he 14?

Yeah....he wants me to come over his house and I keep telling him no we can chill at school.

I see where this is going....he wants to have sex with you don't he.

Majesty can you please not tell mommy.!

I would but I can see that this is serious. I'm honored that you came to me and wanted to talk....

When did you start having sex?

Honestly Mir....I just started having sex just a couple months ago. Member Nick?

Yeah he was so cute, y'all shouldn't of broke up! I mean Legend is cute to but...

Miracle he rapped me! That's why i tried to kill myself...he always pressured me into having sex with him...I wasn't ready and he tried me one time in school and luckily a teacher caught and legend beat him so bad he was in the hospital....he actually rapped me two weeks ago in school and daddy broke out of jail so he could handle it. That's the result of a guy pressing you into having sex. I'm not saying every guy is like that but always read between the lines. Give yourself to someone who values you your age a guy doesn't value you! Look at mommy and daddy for an was mom's first and only....he valued her after seeing her worth. If he didn't we wouldn't be here right now. Look how he drips her in diamonds, fancy cars, trips, all the money in the world plus more, he held up a freaking hospital in order to get her a new heart. You think for one second he don't know her worth?! That's what happens when a guy loves you mand knows your worth. A guy can't possibly know your worth at this young of a age. It'll be lots of guys coming in and out yo life that'll mean something and won't. People are like lessons or blessings. Let this one be a lesson.

I get it! I never knew how important saving myself for someone special was....mommy doesn't talk to me about stuff like this.

That's what big sisters are for plus mommy still looks at us as her little girls. You know she is so protective of us and really wants what's best for us and that's including making us change our clothes....

She told you about that?

Yeah I'm surprised she didn't kill you.!

I thought she was I just didn't think she paid that much attention to me anyways I mean she been so busy with y'all and this little boy it's like she forgot about me.

Well he's a baby Mir he requires a lot of attention. When mommy brought you home she didn't give us that much attention either cause you needed so much attention! It's a lot of stuff you don't know and haven't seen yet and she's shielding you from it be happy about it.

I guess so! Thanks though.!

Look and when your really ready to have sex come to me and we can get you some condoms and birth control.

Thanks Majesty but I don't think I'll be doing anything any time soon honestly! She said hugging me. I hugged her back and she left my room. I really hope my sister takes my advice cause 12 years old was just way to young to be having sex or even thinking about it.

I grabbed my phone to call Legend his phone was going straight to voicemail. I was really worried about him not answering all night or all day today.


Turn to your left!
Now turn to your right! The officer said taking my mugshots.

I did my fingerprints than they took me back to my cell. I waisted no time doing what I came to do.

I seen Nick go into the showers. He was fucked up bad as fuck Mr Jackson really beat his ass bad! He looked so scared to take his clothes off and shower. I waited until it was only him in there. Mr Jackson burnt his dick to the point there was no skin or feeling to it, he couldn't even use the bathroom properly, the other inmates rapped him, he had black and blue bruises, busted lip, black eyes, his head was shaved and patchy, his nose was broke.

You like rapping girls huh? I asked pissed off stepping behind him in the shower.

He turned around so quick and I punched him in his face. "This for Majesty bitch!" I yelled repeatedly hitting him again and again and again.!" He laid in his own blood weeping and crying. I took a broom and shoved it up his ass until he couldn't move anymore. I grabbed a knife and cut his dick off shoving it in his own mouth. I stabbed both of his hands. Even if he was to ever survive this which he won't because he'll bleed out shortly.....he'd never ever be able to walk or touch another female again in his life. I look my gloves off and washed my hands leaving the showers making sure no one seen me.

I returned to my sale changing my clothes back to what I originally had on.

You won't hurt the person I love and get away with it!

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