Chapter 189

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A week later...

Hey ma! I smiled walking into her room. I wanted to check in her. She's been faking her smiles so hard I can hear her deep hard cries every night when she thinks all of us is sleep. She was like a complete zombie she had no feelings left in her body. You could tell she was completely drained.

Hey baby! She smiled as she laid Major down.

I need to talk to you it's extremely important. I said swallowing hard.

What's wrong? She asked looking up at me.

I wanted to tell this to you and dad at the same time. I messed up really bad and now that dad isn't here any more I can't hold this secret any longer.

What's wrong Micah? She asked sitting me next to her on the couch.

I have

You got a baby on the way? She asked shocked and I had the "how did you know face". " A mother knows her children! Who is she and how far along?" She asked wanting to cry.

It's not just that.....I have two girls pregnant at once! I blurted out in tears. I never really realized how fucked up I was until now....I never said it out loud.


I know ma I know I fucked up I been stuck in a love triangle.! It's so much more!

Like what else could you possibly had did?!

Member my girlfriend Halo?!

Yeah the one who you caught kissing the other guy.

Yeah....well she's on of the finally took her back and I thought I was so in love with her to the point where I knew she was the one. I married her.

You married her?!!! Oh my god oh my god I'm about to have a heart attack boy I am about to kill you! How the hell did y'all get married when and where?!!!

We had fake ID's.... A couple months ago downtown but ma she cheated on me after got married and got pregnant and didn't know who the dad was it was between me and her ex the same dude she was kissing on so I filed for an annulment and we got divorced quick cause we are underage. She ended up breaking my heart again and I started talking to this girl Queen ma she so sweet and beautiful and so understanding and amazing. I fell in love with her. And I just felt like I had to save her from her situation cause her brother was beating on her so bad and she has a case open cause of him. Her mom is on drugs and don't have a dad. I needed to help her cause I'm in love with her. I got her a house and paid her rent up for a year and bought her a car....all it was from money like I had saved and stuff but. I was at her house all them times I was gone and I was having unprotected sex. She got pregnant! I fail for Halo bullshit again and some way some how I managed to be dumb and in love with her can't let her go next thing I know she pregnant too.

So who are you with?! What are they going to do?

I'm with Halo for now I guess. Queen kicked me out her life and told me she contact me if it's about the baby. She don't wanna hear shit from me see me be with me all because I couldn't make my mind up of who I wanted to be with but I told her it was her I loved her I wanted to be with her not Halo and I ment that but she thinks that I put Halo over her and that's why she's not messing with me no more!

Okay so what are these girls going to do? Keep them obviously huh?

Yeah.... I been looking for jobs to support both these kids.

Well yeah that's what your going to have to do. Start looking for a house as well. Your going to have to start building an empire for these kids. I'll have your back 200% and make sure you know what you need to know and do as a father as a man but Micah I'm disappointed in you. You have your whole future ahead of you and now your going to have two kids! I need to meet these ladies and their parents.
And I know it's a bunch of trouble between them two.

It's a lot of trouble between them....but Halo doesn't have any parents I'll invite them to dinner or something so you can meet them.

Please do so. I can't believe you done made me a grandmother you know you father would of kilt
You.! Get out my room go think of a master plan go apply to 60 jobs or something!

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