Chapter 199

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Malachi pulled up to the house and it felt like a huge truck hit me, my heart felt heavy!

You okay? He asked taking a deep breath. I nodded my head and opened the door as I got out the car.

I swallowed hard as I walked up to the front door. I felt chills all around my body as I touched the door knob.

Your, okay sis! Malachi assured me touching my shoulder. I opened the door and my home was so beautiful and quiet. But it didn't feel like a home. I walked upstairs slowly as I looked at the pictures on the wall. My family was once completed, now it's just memory....
I opened my bedroom door and it felt so empty in here.

Magic you okay? Malachi asked behind me at the door.

I'm okay! I assured him closing the door in his face.

I walked into the closet and everything hit me. I picked his shirt up off the floor and his scent was so strong. Tears rolled down my face. "I LOVE YOU MARTAVION!" I wiped my tears and sat on the floor, every single feeling and every single thought came back to me rushing at once and it was so overwhelming. I laid on the floor holding myself as tears slowly came down my face.


Wake up! I heard a voice say that was so soothing and beautiful. I opened my eyes slowly and Martavion sat in front of me. I sat up and I know this wasn't real. "Hi!" He smiled.

Why you leave me!

It was my time to go baby, how you holding up?

Not so well, Martavion I need you! I can't help but to feel like this is all my fault. I should of paid attention to you when you needed me most instead of being petty! I should of believed you when you said you was drugged. You should of been home
Working on your problems with me not there! I was suppose to be there for you.!

Magic! Nothing is your fault! I made those decisions to be there for help. I was the selfish one, I was the one who didn't pay any attention to you, I should of, I should of been there for you, you was going through postpartum depression and I wasn't there for you cause I was being selfish you did nothing wrong besides try to love me through it all. I love you so much your literally my everything, you led me to know what love was true love people wait all their lives to get that and we've had it at such a young age. I'm forever in your heart and in our children we made together. Your a beautiful phenomenal woman, you have me in you!


But nothing Magic, I know how much you loved me and I love you twice as more. Watching you go through this hurt is the worst thing ever. Coming to you in dreams is the only way I can assure you that I'm okay and make sure you are okay.

I'm not okay Martavion I'm hurt I feel empty I'll do anything for this pain to go away. I'll do anything to have you back.

I know you will and I love you so much for that.

I love you forever.

I need you to be strong for me Mag. The kids need you, especially Major he needs his mommy right now.

I know I'm trying to get back to myself but baby I can't.

You can, your about to be a grandmother!

Yeah I'ma kill your son for that!

Please, for me to! He laughed. I giggled and he wiped my tears. "There's that beautiful smile! I love you baby!"

I love you more Martavion!

Can you stay strong for me and try to be okay?

Maybe I just needed to know your okay!

I'm okay baby, I promise I'm safe and I made it over!

You did!

Yes I promise! He leaned in and kissed me.

I love you so, so, so much baby! I love you!

I love you more Magic, everything's gonna be okay baby girl!




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