Chapter 100

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I sat on the bleachers with my AirPods in. I usually tried to regain my focus this way. I was kinda nervous about the game coming up in a short. Plus I had so much shit on my mind.

What you doing in here all alone? This girl Queen said coming over to me. She was in my English class. We didn't talk much well she didn't either. She was cool though from conversations we did have before. She was a really shy quiet kept to herself kinda girl.

Just chillen. I said shrugging my shoulders.

Ohhhhh, I'm so sorry to bother you. But I left my book right there can you hand it to me please! She asked so polite. I looked over and seen the book behind me. I grabbed it and gave it to her. "Thank you, and good luck in the game Micah" she said with a shy smile.

You be watching me? I asked with a little laugh.

Yeah sometimes....(she giggle) your pretty good at what you do. The scouts are going to love you!

Yeah the everybody keeps saying that but.....

But what? You nervous or something? She giggled.

I ain't gone lie I kinda am! I smirked.

Here.! (She sat next to me and took my hand) close your eyes and try to relax. Search for things that make you happy. Her voice was so calming and soothing.

This ain't gone work!!!!!

Just try it!

After a minute or so I was relaxed and at total peace. "Thank me later!" She said with a big smile getting up to get her stuff.

Wait where you going?

Ummm home!

Do you need a ride? It's kinda late.

No it's okay it's about a 15 minute walk from here.

My mother would kill me if she knew I let a girl walk home at night alone.

I'll be fine thank you! She giggled walking down the bleachers. I hurried up and grabbed my things to follow her out.

Nope! You just helped me so I'm gonna help
You! I said taking her hand.

Micah it's okay really! She smiled shyly. I opened my car door for her and she got in. I started my car plugging my phone up to the radio.

She must sense your with another female! She joked as incoming call from "Wife❤️" popped up on my car screen.

It's damn near the only time she answer her phone. I said declining the call. Halo been acting weird all week and I couldn't figure out why. She pissed me off earlier and we haven't spoken all day. As a married man I didn't sign up for drama like this.

Trouble in paradise? And I live on west Bmoure st.

Nah not really, we just been having a rough week!

Well you guys will work it out! All couples goes through things. You just have to have a good level of communication.

We do...well I thought we did. She just been acting like she can't see me or answer the phone or text back all week and when she do she seem short with me or pick something to argu about and that's kid shit.

Maybe she's going through something, you should ask her if she's alright.

I did and that's what caused the argument earlier.

You can drop me off right here at the corner.

You sure? In front of all these niggas?

Yeah they just the local D brother would kill me if he seen me getting out of your car.

I'm not comfortable with you getting out right here though....

I'll be fine! Thank you so much for the ride. She reached over and gave me a hug.

Your welcome, see you tomorrow! I smiled and she opened the door to get out but hesitated for a second. I looked in her direction and seen a guy standing on the porch she quickly got out the car and all them niggas started saying shit to her tryna holla at her. She moved through the crowed of niggas quick and walked home fast. I'm guessing dude on the porch was her brother cause he looked pissed. I waited before she was completely in the house before I pulled off.

I sat in the driveway in my car for a minute. I was to tired to even get out the car honestly. My phone started ringing again and it was Halo. "Hello" I said answering finally.

I'm ready to talk now Micah! She said shyly.

Okay so talk....

I'm sorry I didn't mean to go off on you like that! It's just that I been really stressed out.

Look it's cool forget about it. I'm home come down here and sleep with me tonight.


I hung up the phone and grabbed my bag to go in the house. I went up to my room to shower real quick. By the time I was done she was downstairs. I opened the door and she gave me a hug and a kiss. We went back up to my room and I turned the tv on. I got on the bed hugging her. I missed my wife.! It's funny I can say that and really mean it.

Where's your ring? I asked after noticing she didn't have it on.

Oh I took it off when I was washing the dishes earlier I forgot to put it back on.

Ohh okay...I kissed her neck a bit and rubbed her body. I been so horny these past few weeks she ain't been giving me nun. Usually I would of cheated on any other girl but Halo was different, and now that she was my wife I definitely didn't have plans too. I slid my hands inside of her shorts and she took them out.

What's wrong?

I'm just tired not tonight....

Ummm okay! She gave a sly smile and layed down turning her back against me.


I got up hitting my alarm and getting up. I noticed Halo neck. I grabbed my phone and took pictures of her neck. I took a deep breath and got up to go to the bathroom. I took a piss , washed my face and brushed my teeth before waking her up.

Yoooo! I yelled tapping her.

What?! She moaned annoyed.

Yooooo! I yelled louder.


Get up! She opened her eyes and sat up. "You gotta go before my dad get here!"

What? Since when do he have a problem with me spending the night!? She asked confused.

What's this? I asked pushing her head to the side.

This why you mad? I burnt myself with the curling iron.

Man get the fuck outta here you think I believe that shit!

Micah I did!

Yup! I gotta get ready for school you can see yoself out. I said opening my room door for her to walk out my room. She was pissed off putting her shorts and slides on. I slammed my room door behind her.

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