Chapter Six: Is Loki bad?

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I was in the bathroom looking at my unmasked face in the mirror. I put Freddy Kruger to shame. But, unlike him, I still have some of my face left. The left side is normal from the side of my chin to a little over the top of my eyebrow. That's all of what's left. And no picture on the internet could compare with what I look like. The only thing I can really look at in the mirror is my eyes without wishing to break the glass.

But I keep looking at my face. My burned, horrid, ugly, monstrous face! Without realising, I punched the mirror, breaking it. Stark will kill me for that. He was a little pissed about the last one I broke. I just find it hard to look at my face. I left the bathroom and went to see where Loki was. I already checked his room and he wasn't there but it did have an upgrade.

I guess the God of Mischief and Lies was a little royalty homesick. I looked around and eventually found him in the library reading again. He does like to read a lot, doesn't he? That might be why he smells of old books. Well, he'll have to put it down for a while because Steve ordered me to train with him. Can't argue with the captain.

"God of Mischief! Eyes off the book!" I said walking over to him.

"What do you want, Agent (L/N)?" Loki asked not looking up from his book.

"Captain wants me to train with you so get your ass up."

"I don't have to listen to you."

"You do. I'm in charge of you."

"I'm more powerful than you, I'm bigger than you and I'm stronger than you."

"Are you trying to challenge me?"

"Perhaps," Loki looked at me.

"Alright. In the training room. We'll see who's better."

I went there with Loki and he made his armour appear on him. I told him no so he went to find something in his room. He came back in a black shirt, black shorts and trainers and he clearly hated it. Suck it up, Your Majesty. We went into the boxing ring and I told him something that I think scared him. I defeated the Hulk. After I told him that, I knocked him off his feet. He got back up and we continued to fight.

Although I wasn't giving him a good time. He did want me to give it my all so that's what I did. Although we both later regret it. I broke his nose, ribs, right arm and collapsed his lung. We only stopped when I accidentally broke his arm. I didn't mean to put him in the state he's in. I got told off by Fury too. I'm just glad the God of Mischief and Lies told him the truth about what happened. Thankfully for Loki, he was easily fixed with some sort of device I had no knowledge of. We went to the library where Loki continued his book.

"Sorry for beating you up," I said.

"You are forgiven," Loki said.


"How are you so strong?" Loki asked looking at me.

"I don't like talking about it," I said.

"You defeated the Hulk, you broke almost half of my body and I could hardly stay on my feet for more than a minute. What are you?"


I hadn't realised I yelled, though. Loki looked slightly shocked at my outburst. I apologised and Loki put his hand on my head making me blackout. That is until I watched my memories from my time at HYDRA and the day I escaped. He did watch my accident during my escape but, thankfully, he didn't see my face. I came back to reality, staring at Loki. I forced his hand off me, put my arm against his neck and got ready to punch him. But I'm not allowed to hurt him.

He was trying to push me off him but I was using a lot of strength and he's a god. I let him go and left. He shouldn't have known about any of that. I don't like anyone knowing about my past. It's not even interesting, it's just boring and full of me going through hell since I was a baby. I went to the training room to take my anger out on a punching bag. Well, this isn't new. I do it a lot. But normally it's because I'm pissed off at HYDRA.

They made me something I didn't want to be. After taking my anger out on the punching bag, I went to my room where there was a new mirror to replace the one I broke. I covered it with a sheet and took my mask off. I don't want to look at my face. Tony wouldn't understand and he's the one who keeps having them replaced when I smash them. That's probably the only side effect to all the experiments. I have anger issues.

But I don't know because I never knew exactly what they did to me. To top off my possible bad luck today, Tony is throwing a party. And I had to go. Why does he do this? I don't wanna go. But I have to. Also, Tony bet me £1,000 that I wouldn't sing during Karaoke. Well, I'm not saying no to that. And I learned that I wasn't the only one he bet. Loki was bet to do it too. We don't have a choice really. I have $10 and 43 cents and Loki has no money at all. I sang something random that I liked while Loki sang something Disney. I didn't think Loki was a Disney person. But, damn! He was good! Loki is a man of surprises.

"I didn't think you were a party person," I said to Loki.

"I didn't think you could sing," Loki said.


"Thank you. I learned in my spare time when I was younger."

"You're good. What else have you learned?"

"How to dance, how to fight, how to rule as king, treat injuries, take care of myself and others, and other things."

"You know, you know a lot for a Prince."

"Anything you know that I haven't seen yet?"

"Nothing. Just fight, I'm smart and that's it."

"So you don't know how to dance or anything that mortals do?"

"Not really."

Loki took me to the dancefloor. The song was for a slow dance and Loki showed me what to do. Loki, the God of Mischief and Lies, the one who tried to take over Earth, is teaching me to dance. I'm surprised. But maybe he isn't as bad as we thought. Also, his eyes had randomly turned blue. What is wrong with his eyes because they seem to change almost every time I see him.

But the blue wasn't as strong as when we first met. The first time we met, they were glowing now they're an ocean blue. I'll ask him another time but I think I know why the shade changed. I remember when Loki mind-controlled Clint and Erik. Their eyes turned the same colour. I think Loki was being controlled by his own sceptre.

I don't think he was supposed to be a bad person. Someone took advantage of him. Another thing I'll ask another time. When the dance ended, Loki kissed the back of my hand and left me alone. Maybe he's been lead down the wrong path by accident.

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