Chapter Fourteen: Saving (Y/N)

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"Ah! Dr Ivanov! You have arrived," the leader said to me.

"Yes. You are?" I asked.

"Brock Rumlow."

I nodded, "what are we doing with her?"

"We're making her into the ultimate Super solder. Better than those Avengers. Even that Loki. And this time, we're going to make sure she obeys us. That's your job."

I won't know what I'm doing anyway.

"Sir, I would like to experiment on her to ensure that she's perfect before doing anything else," I said.

"All these scientists are in your control," Rumlow said.

"I prefer to do it on my own so everything goes right."

He got everyone to leave the room and I was on my own. Still trying not to blow my cover, I went in and tried to act like Dr Ivanov. Not that I know anyway but (Y/N) hopefully won't know. (Y/N) was very quiet but breathing heavily from the torture. Already she had scars and bruises and bleeding slightly. Her eyes were closed waiting for something to happen. Once I was sure no one was around, I dropped my disguise and went to work getting her out of her chains.

"What are you doing?" (Y/N) asked weakly.

"I'm getting you out of here," I said.

"Loki! You came!"

"Of course, I did," I looked in her eyes, "I am so sorry for what I did earlier. It was wrong of me."



"Loki, it's been two days since I knocked you out."

I've been out for two days?! And not one of them came to try to wake me and tell me she was taken. I felt terrible. I got back to trying to release her when we were caught by Rumlow. I pointed my dagger at him warning him to stay away.

"We knew it was you, Loki. We wanted you to watch as your precious (Y/N) (L/N) was turned into the thing you fear most. A weapon used against you," Rumlow said.

"You will not hurt her anymore," I said, "I am taking her home and away from you. Try to stop me and you won't live after today."

"Have you ever seen what lies behind the mask? Beautiful really. How a simple mistake can make you hide from the world. Would you like to see it?"

Rumlow started taking her mask off while she begged me not to look. When he took it off, I closed my eyes. I'm here to rescue her and nothing more. But Rumlow started to describe what it looked like. Fresh, burnt, red, black scabs. Hardly any beauty left on her. I didn't dare look. Rumlow described her and me as the Phantom of the Opera. She's the Phantom and I'm the beautiful love interest. One better looking than the other. I wish his taunting would end. I hate that he's talking to her like that.

After way too long, he left and locked us in the room. (Y/N) told me where her mask was and I put it on for her. Finally, I can open my eyes again. I managed to release her from her chains and held her because she could barely stand. I sat in a corner and let her relax on her lap. I just held her close. That was until I used an illusion of myself to open the door and I snuck out. I'm also concerned about (Y/N).

She's already weak and the fact that it's snowing outside she might not make it to the closest town. I pray that she does. I can't lose her. I managed to escape the base and started to run off, (Y/N) passed out on my arms. Once I felt I was far enough away, I sat down again. I quickly checked her to see if they put any kind of tracker on her and they didn't, thank goodness. It was cold however and she's not dressed for this weather.

Her clothing isn't thick and nothing is covering her arms. I took my cape off and wrapped her in it. I'm not having her freeze to death. I'm fine because of my Frost Giant side but (Y/N) is a mortal so she'll freeze. After wrapping her up, I picked her up again and made my way down to the closest town. Unfortunately for us, that's way too far to make it in a day. That might take a while.

But I need to make sure (Y/N) stays alive. I carried her for a while before I sat down and held her close to keep her warm. Well, as warm as I can with a cape, me and the whole snowy outside because we're on a mountain. The fact that she was still passed out worried me. I managed to wake her making me sigh in relief.

"You're safe now," I assured her, "but we have to get to the nearest town to contact the team to come to get us."

"Why don't you contact them now?" (Y/N) asked weakly.

"I don't have comms with me. I couldn't risk being tracked by HYDRA because of it. I want you safe," she nods, "how are you feeling?"

"Very cold."

I have to get her to a shelter or anything as soon as I can. After trying to keep her warm for a while, I picked her up again and walked further to the closest town. (Y/N) cuddled as close as she could to me for warmth. I held her close. I walked for a while before it started getting dark. Thankfully, I found an old, abandoned cottage and decided to settle there. I made a fire for (Y/N) first before making a bed for us to share and try to keep warm.

With the fire, I melted some snow to make fresh water for us. Reading can teach you a lot. I had to urge her to drink some still being a little weak. I did read records of what they did to her. They tried to make her even stronger taking away a lot of her energy. I still worry if she'll make it in the cold and not a lot of food. Well, none at all.

"Aren't you cold?" (Y/N) asked as I made the fire a little bigger.

"Frost Giant, remember? I know you read about that. I'm immune to the cold. But you aren't. I'm going to do anything to keep you warm," I said sitting next to her on the makeshift bed I made in front of the fire for us.

"I might not make it, Loki."

"You will. I know it. Just save your strength for now and rest. We have a long walk tomorrow."

He only nodded and laid down, wrapping herself in my cape and the old blanket I found. I got under with her and hugged her shivering form. After closing my eyes, I took her mask off to make herself more comfortable and we both fell asleep. I just have to remember not to open my eyes in the morning.

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