Chapter Twenty-four: The final battle

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The Avengers Headquarters started collapsing and we all fell underground. I got knocked out for a moment before Thor woke me up. He helped me out of the rubble and to an exit. But, at that exit, we saw Thanos in the distance just sitting there doing nothing. We watched him. But how is he here? There’s no time we went to where he was so how did he-?

Wait a minute! 2014! He was there looking for the stones! He found out about us trying to undo what he’s done but how? Nebula, maybe? She is half robot and around that time there were two Nebulas. The one from 2014 and the one from our time. Did they accidentally see the future Nebula’s memories? Maybe. Tony and Steve walked up next to me and Thor.
"What’s he been doing?" Tony asked.
"Absolutely nothing," Thor said.
"Where are the stones?" I asked.
"Somewhere under all this," Tony replied, "All I know is her doesn’t have ‘em."
"So, we keep it that way," Steve said.
"You know it’s a trap, right?" I asked.
"Yeah. I don’t much care," Tony said.
"Good. Just as long as we’re all in agreement," Thor made thunder and lightning appear, called Mojinir and Stormbreaker and was finally back in his armour, "let’s kill him properly this time."
I was back in my hoodie so I changed it to my armour and made my daggers appear. We all approached Thanos while he played with a stone in his hand. Just a normal stone, not an infinity stone.
"You could not live with your own failure," Thanos said, "Where did that bring you? Back to me. I thought by eliminating half of life the other half would thrive. But you’ve shown me that’s impossible. And as long as there are those that remember what was there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist."
"Yep, we’re all kinds of stubborn," Tony said.
"I’m thankful. Because now… I know what I must do," Thanos threw the stone away and stood up, "I will shred this universe down to its last atom. And then…" he put his helmet on, "with the stones you’ve collected for me… create a new one… teaming with life…" he picked up his double-bladed sword, "that knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given. A grateful universe."
"Born out of blood," I said
"They’ll never know it," Thanos said, "Because you won’t be alive to tell them."
We charged at him and started to fight him. Whatever we had, whatever we knew, we used it against him. Not that it did much because he was a lot stronger than us. Where is (Y/N) when we need her? She could do it. Tony was soon knocked out and I got trapped under some rubble I was thrown into and it collapsed on me. Thor and Steve were the only ones left because we had no idea where the others are. I was trying to get up but it was way too heavy. Thor got a real beating from Thanos.

Thanos managed to take Stormbreaker from Thor and pushed it into his chest. That is until Thanos was hit by Mjolnir but that wasn’t Thor’s doing. It was Steve! He is worthy enough to hold it! He continued to fight Thanos with it. Thor came to help me out of my predicament. The next time I saw Steve, he was on the floor with half of his shield gone. Thanos started talking again but I ignored him. His children and the Chitauri came out of his ship ready to take over Earth and fight us.

Steve got up and tightened the straps of his shield. He must be injured. Soon, a golden outlined portal appeared. Three silhouettes came out. It was the king of Wakanda. Out flew Sam too. More portals opened to reveal more people, even Asgardian warriors! Scott who was now bigger than usual came out of the rubble with Bruce, Rocket and Roddey. I couldn’t see (Y/N) in the crowd. That didn’t matter right now. We now have an army to fight Thanos and his army. Thor took me over to the front with him and Steve said two words I have missed hearing.
"Avengers…" Mjolnir flew into his hand, "assemble."
Oh, I have missed this! We ran towards Thanos’ army and they charged at us. And time to fight! Everyone worked together to defeat his army. I was on my own. Not a good idea because I was son surrounded, trying everything I could to stop them. I was soon on the ground getting pounded by Chitauri. But they soon focused on something else. After less than a minute, they were all dead and I saw a face I thought I’d never see again.
"Saving your ass again, I see," (Y/N) said smirking.
"(Y/N)!" I said shocked.

"Hello, Loki," (Y/N) smiled.
I went to kiss her but she said it had to come later. We have a war to fight. For the first time in years, (Y/N) and I fought side by side, back to back, and helping each other fight this battle. I also realised she wasn’t wearing her mask. She always does when it came to battle. I’ll ask later. She looks badass fighting without it on. The others had found the gauntlet and wanted to put them back in the places we got them from. Everyone struggled to get it to Scott’s van, the only time machine we had left.

(Y/N) had to leave to help everyone else and I followed her. I am not letting her out of my sights. Only for the worst to happen. Thanos had ordered his ship to start firing down on us like rain. (Y/N) and I got separated. A lot of our army and Thanos’army were killed. The sorcerers made shields to stop the killing. That’s when the firing stopped and shot at the sky. A bright beam of light shot through Thanos’ ship making it explode and fall from the sky. It was Carol! I soon found (Y/N) again.

She was with all the other girls ready to help Carol take the gauntlet to the van. But then there was an explosion. Thanos destroyed the van. (Y/N) found me again and we continued to fight  Thanos’ army. From there, I don’t know what was happening. That is until all of Thanos’ army turned to dust. Who snapped their fingers? We found out the next day.

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