Chapter Eighteen: New life

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Well, things with the Avengers didn't go so well. Steve, Sam, Nat and a man Steve knew as Bucky are now wanted fugitives. That agreement has torn everyone apart. (Y/N) and I had nothing to do with it. We were settling into our new jobs. I go to the bakery (Y/N) works at on my breaks. One reason is for the food and the other is to visit (Y/N) to see how she's doing. You can easily recognize her because she still wears her mask. I think I'm not as easily recognized because I don't wear Asgardian clothing and, because it gets quite cold in England, I wear a trench coat a lot.

If anything, I'm blending in more than (Y/N) with or without her mask. But blending in has its downsides. Like the people who flirt. You would be surprised how many people haven't recognized me and flirted with me. I don't particularly like it as I am a taken man but, when I tell some people that, they don't listen so I have to walk away. One of the many perks of being a librarian, however, is I can take books home to read for myself or for (Y/N). I always take them back. (Y/N) takes some food from the bakery sometimes.

That's always something to look forward to. Anything that wasn't sold we can take home as a treat. Unfortunately for me, I might be back at the flat late today. There was a book club at the library and the children made quite the mess. My job in the library is to make sure all the books go where they're supposed to go. In the kids area, all the books are either where they're supposed to be or all over the floor. They were around primary school children.

Young ones at that. But they should be more respectful. Well, I suppose if (Y/N) and I were to raise children, they would be the same for a while before learning respect and how to clean up after themselves. Some kids have trouble. The screaming that you hear in the streets are awful. But the kids aren't around now. Now it's just people who have come to read or high school and college kids coming to study before closing. That's when things get very quiet except when I'm asked where certain books are.

It's been a few months since (Y/N) and I retired from the Avengers so I have had time to know where every book is. Once the library closed and I had finished my shift, I went home. Much to my delight, it was also pouring it down with rain. Well, I'll be able to relax tomorrow as it's a Sunday and the library will be closed. And I get to spend time with (Y/N). She has weekends off. I arrived home, took my coat off and went to find her. She was cooking. I gave Noir a pet as a hello before it was (Y/N)'s turn. I hugged her from behind making her jump a little.

"Sneaky," (Y/N) said giggling.

"Hello, love," I said smiling.

"How was work?"

"Terrible. Had a children's book club at the library and left a huge mess for me to clean up."

"Aww. Did my little mischievous prince have to do work?"

"Tease," I kissed the back of her neck and let her go.

"You're one to talk," (Y/N) smiled as I chuckled, "now get into something dry, you're soaked!"

She wasn't wrong. I just got into some pyjamas, used a towel to dry my hair and returned to (Y/N). She was trying a new recipe she found in a cookbook I brought home. A chicken lasagna. It's just a chicken breast with cheese, pasta sauce and even more cheese. Although it was very nice, I will say that. Once we finished eating, cleaned up and fed Noir, we cuddled on the sofa and continued to watch a new series we found. Sherlock. It was quite funny and it made you think about his cases.

Right now we were watching an episode called The Sign of Three. It was John Watson's Wedding and Sherlock was his best man. It's the most awkward thing in the world but also quite sweet for Sherlock. (Y/N) fell asleep. Well, moving isn't an option now. One rule I've learned while dating (Y/N) is once your girlfriend is asleep on your lap, you do not move. It's the same with cats. Noir will get comfortable on your lap before sleeping then you cannot move. And Noir loves to sleep.

I got comfortable and fell asleep with (Y/N) in my arms. The next morning, we slept in. Until Noir pawed at us for food. I got out from under (Y/N) and fed him before returning to her for more cuddles. She can be a deep sleeper sometimes. She started to stir and woke up.

"Morning, love," I said smiling.

She hummed a morning. I waited for her to fully wake up before sitting up.

"I was meaning to ask something yesterday," (Y/N) said.

"Go on," I said.

"Can we get a place outside of London when we have enough?"

"Why outside of London?"

"Well, I'm still scared that one of the people in the flat above and below us will walk in and see..." she motioned to her face.

"I understand. Once we earn enough, we will get a place out in the country. Away from lots of people. And we can do whatever we like."

"Thanks," (Y/N) smiled.

"I know how you feel, (N/N). I'm scared someone might find out who I am and think I'm still bad. It would ease our nerves if we move away from the big city."

She smiled and gave me a small kiss. I, of course, made it longer. Because of our work, we don't get this a lot. I just want to savour these little moments while we still have the opportunity. Besides, I might never feel this way ever again with anyone. I'm making the most of it.

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