Chapter III: Training

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Four wakes us the next morning and tell us to be in the training room in an half an hour. I quickly rise from my bed and get dressed. I have a black sweater, black pants and black combat boots. As I walk out from the room I tug my hair into a ponytail and walks fast to the dining hall. I take some food and sits down on an emty table. There are almost no one in the dining hall and I'm the only initiate here. But that doesn't last long. Soon enters the gang of girls in my initiate group, all happy and excited about the first day. I eat as fast as I can and get up to leave. I walk to the training room after I left my tray. I'm alone in the training room, again. 

I wait for about ten minutes before someone enters the room. I look behind me and see Eric and Four walk to the center of the room.  They talk about something I can't hear. I don't mind the silence and my mind wanders far away, deep in my thoughts.  I'm so deep in my thoughts that I don't even notice that the rest of the group stands next to me. I wake up from my thoughts when Four starts to speak.

"You will be learning combat and knife throwing today" Four says

"But first run three laps around the room" Eric says with an evil look in his eyes. We all start running and I realize that the room is pretty big. I run at the end of the group, trying not to draw attention. 

I like to run, it makes me feel alive and I love the feeling of being free.  It's like nothing else matters or exists, like I'm alone. The first two laps are easy and I'm not last anymore. Most breathe heavily and runs slowly. I breathe through my nose, still not bothered about the fast tempo. We come back to Eric and Four after the third lap and Four shows some basic punches and kicks and how to block an attack. I recognize some of the punches and kicks from my 'years in hell', that sounded so much better in my head...wait still in my head. Ok that was just weird, anyways back to the story.  I notice every little detail when Four hits the punching bag. I repeat in my head over and over to remember. Four tell us to go to the punching bags and start. I take one near and begins with punches but I don't go all in, I don't want everyone to know that I'm good at this. The bag doesn't even move, wich is good, because now they'll think that I'm weak and  underestimate me. I would personally say that I'm super smart, I don't show my strength or my weaknesses, like the other do. Sara next to me goes all in and I can tell that she is strong. While Jacob on the other side of me can kick really good but not that good with punshes. Next to Jacob is his twin, James? I think that was his name, he can punsh but doesn't move his feet and it is obvious when he is about to punsh.

"Hey, initaite!" Eric says behind me and I turn around with a wondering look. I didn't hear him coming and he looks kind of annoyed. 

"So what happened to your eye?" he asks without emotions, just cold and uncaring like he doesn't even care, but he must care, right? 

"An accident, and yes I'm blind in that eye" I answer just as cold.

"We can't have blind people in Dauntless " He says and I know that he is hiding a wicked smile.

"Me being  blind isn't a weakness, I don't need to see with that eye to win a fight" I know that I am being to sassy, but I don't care. I am gonna regret this. 

"I don't believe you" He has a cold tone and even colder eyes.

"I can take on anybody in this room and win easy, even Four" I really need to stop talking now.

"Bull.Shit!" And now he is pissed. 

"Want proof?" 

"Tomorrow against anybody but if you lose, you're out" 

"Counting on that" I say and with that he is gone.

After an hour, Four tell us that it is lunch and to come back at 1 o'clock. I take a tray and sits down on an empty table, far away from everyone. I eat slowly and when most of my initiate buddys (minus buddys) have gone, I go too. I walk into the training room, not last, and walks towards the group of initiates. Everyone is talking while we're waiting for Four and Eric. But it is only Four who comes into the training room. We walk towards the end of the room were the knives and targets are.

"As I said before, we are going to throw some knives now, so watch carefully how I do it" Four says and takes a knife from the table. He stands infront of a target and throws the knife right on the bullseye. 

After some hours of throwing knives, which I was pretty good at, Four says that we are free for the rest of the day. I am exhausted when I go to the dining hall and take a tray with food. I'm sitting alone at a table and watch as people goes in and out from the dining hall. But the Zane brother isn't one of them. I am kind of disappointed but I know that I can't take my revenge now, the second day here. I eat my burger in peace and then headning to the dorm. I don't care that it is only 8 o'clock as I lay down in my bed. 

The others comes after an hour and make themselfs ready for bed. My thoughts wanders away to places were I can't describe them, I know that it sounds weird but I am (kind of) weird.

And with that I'm sleeping. 

Thank you for reading this chapter of Stone cold killer. I made some changes in the two other chapters, but they are pretty small so I can describe them here. Zorro's hair is platinum white and Summer's name is Sara. I am so sorry for late update, I promise to write the next faster. Thank you again for reading!

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