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 My adoptive brothers were true to their words. After the finals and everyhting died down -we all passed by the way- I went on a small trip to Amity to find my birth records. Everyhting was there; day and time of birth, my real parents and everything. But there was no adoption papers, so I guess it was all done in the dark or something. A few days after that I went to Erudite to meet my real mother. Not to bond or anything, I was just curious of who she was. She was quite lovely and I recognized her. When I was about five my adoptive mom had introduced me to her, claiming that she was a friend. Thinking closer to that day I remembered small details that I had earlier dismissed, like the way she had watched me with so much love and when she left she had cried in her car before leaving. 

But even if my intentions weren't to bond with her I couldn't help but like her. She reminded me too much of my adoptive mother and I realized that I had really missed having a mother figure in my life. Perhaps I would visit her some other time. 

Sara, Hanna, Alica and I all passed the test. Mona -shocker- and William were the only ones who didn't pass. I was quite pissed that both Cameron and Thomas made it, but at the same time I knew that they would. They were great fighters, I had to give it to them. 

Anyway, the four of us bought an apartment together and have already chosen what we wanted to do. Sara and I will become instructors, Hanna a tattoo artist and Alice wants to be an ambassador. 

So, right now life seems good. And it all ended here. 

The end.


Hi guys! 

So this is the end. Hope you liked the story, I myself lost interest and faith in it long back. :) We'll see how long it takes before I take it down. 

Anyway, thank you, thank you, thank you, to all the support and votes and comments! I love you all, you're the best! 


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