Chapter XIII: Fearlandscape

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Fear. Fear is such a strange word. We feel fear whenever we feel threatened, either physical, emotional, psychological, real or imagined. Often considered as something negative or cowardly. But we all experince it, wether you want admit it or not. Even though we all go through it we react to it in so different ways. Some get paralyzed, unable to move or think, while others run for their lives. Some can ignore it and fight through. That's what Dauntless values. That you can fight trough your fear. They don't care that you have fears, they care about how you react to them. 

And let me tell you,it's not pretty.

Being one of the last ones in the waiting room showed me just how it affected everyone who went inside the room. Most just looked at the brick of tears, while others looked like they might puke. There was some -Thomas and Cameron- who pretended that nothing ahd happened, but you could see in the way they walked and the light reflecting in their eyes, that they weren't fine. When Sara came out, she was pale and her eyes puffy. I felt so bad for her that I even hugged her. But at the same time I felt scared. If going through your fears affected people so much, how would it go for me?

"Zorro" Four's voice rang out and I was pulled back from my thoughts. I stood up and followed him into the room. The only thing in the plain room was a chair that looked like an old dentist chair and a computer next to it. Four told me to sit down and I did without a word. He explained what the serum did but I barely listened, too caught up in my thoughts. Pain spread in my neck as he injected the serum in my neck and I closed my eyes, waiting for my fears. 

When I opened my eyes I was still in the room, but everything was gone. It was just me in the room. I looked around, wondering what fear this could be when the walls suddenly came caving in. All walls around me pressed me into a small box and I banged my hands on the walls, trying to get out. But it was all in vain. They wouldn't give out and I was stuck in this small space. My heart was racing and I felt sweat forming in my neck. I breathed so quick that it could almost be defined as hyperventlilating. 

How do I get out? What can I do? How does this end?

My thoughts went miles a second. Desperately I tried to find what Four had said about the fearlandscape before we started. But it seemed like I only found unneccesary memories instead. It took me a while until I remembered that he said to calm down you heart rate or use some tool to survive. 

Ok, calm down Zorro. Breathe in, breathe out. 

I chanted it in my head and closed my eyes, trying to block out the fact that I sat in a small space. Slowly my heart rate slowed down to normal and I brethed out as I was met with bright lights shining in my eyes. Looking around I realized that I stood in the living room of my old Amity house. Once again I wondered what fear this was. My question was answered as I felt an arm around my waist keeping me steady and saw a knife in someones hand. The knife slowly inched towards my left eye and my heart rate shot to the ceiling.

Oh God it was happening again! But this time when the knife made contact with my skin, I'd be blind for the rest of my life. I could feel the sharp ponit on the knife against my skin a bit over my left eye brow. 

This was it. I would be blind for the rest of my life and I couldn't do anything about it.

Just as the sharp point of the knife slid across my eyebrow something snapped inside of me. I don't know if it was survival instinct or something else but it gave me strength enough to grabb onto the knife and pull it away from my face. I elbowed the person behind me, who let go of the knife and I turned around before stabbing the person in the heart. 

Looking up I realized that it was Alex who stood there, slowly dying in front of my eyes. It made sense that he was the one, since he made me half blind in the beginning. Without remorse I watched as the room changed into an open ocean. Ice cold water hit me and massive waves crashed over me. In an instant my heart rate was through the ceiling and my gaze searched in pure fear for a way out. I turned in circles but all I could see was water and more water. 

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