Chapter VIII: Capture the flag

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I swear that my heart is beating 200 a minute. Literally. I hear screams all around me and I grip my red gun tight. I press my back to the big debris behind me before looking over at Sara who stands a few feet away from me and nods to her. She grins before she gets up from her hiding and shoots at some before us. I get up and runs towards the building to my left and release a sigh of relief that I didn't get shot. I open the door and runs inside the old stone building. But I stop dead in my tracks when I come into the next room. 

"Fu--" I almost swear out loud as Thomas and Cameron grins mischievously. How did I end up here?

   →  One hour earlier ←

I would usually begin with  "I wake up the next morning..." but I can't really say that since it's the middle of the night when Four storms in and tell us to meet him by the train tracks. I mentally hit my head in the wall to wake up. I need my 8 hours sleep!!      just kidding ;)

I rise automatically like everyone else and get dressed. With Sara by my side, I walk outside to the train tracks. Everyone from our initiate group looks like shit, sleepy eyes, bags under their eyes, messy hair and so on. Meanwhile the born-in-dauntless-initiate group all looks like they are on drugs or adrenaline. Some are talking with loud voices, some jumping around out of excitement and some just messing around. How can they be so energic , it's the middle of the night for God's sake! I think and tune in on Sara who is talking to me.

"What?!" I ask tired.

"I said, 'Are you excitet for capture the flag?'" she says and rolls her eyes. 

"Yeah, if I get to shoot people" I answer which makes her laugh. 

"I heard it some kind of tradition here in Dauntless" Hanna suddenly says next to Sara and I see Alice walking up to us. 

"Well then we'll have to win" Sara says just as the train comes. We run with everyone else and the adrenaline rush wakes me up. I jump in a car and wait by the entrance for my friends. They file in, one by one. We leave the Dauntless compound and I still stand in the opening to watch the city around us.

"It's so beautiful" Sara whispers to me, referring to the dark city with only lamps to light it up.
"Agreed" I tell her with out taking my eyes from the city.

After an hour me and my team stand beside a big ferris-wheel and discussing the plan. I was glad to have Sara in my team and even happier that I was in Four's team. We also have Mona, Finn, William, James, many Dauntless born and some members too. Some in the team wanted to do offence while others wanted to do defence. According to me, the best plan is to split into three groups, first group protect the flag, second group distract the other team and the last group tries to find the flag. Simple. 

"You got any plan?" Sara asks me and I tell her what I think . She too thinks that it's good and  tells Four about it. I know that it may seem that she stole my idea, but she knows that I would never speak it loud. Four agrees with the plan and split us all in three groups. Me, Sara and two Dauntless members are in the third group, in other words, the group to find the flag. 

We then split up and the Dauntless members,  one of them is the blue haired girl that dyed my hair and the other is a guy with black hair in his late 20s. They take the lead and we follow them. It's so dark around us and buidlings almost everywhere or debris or something else. After a while we come to the same place as group two and I can see Eric's team before us behind some crates and debris. The fight breaks loose and gun shots fill the air, screams and victory calls follow. 

The blue haired girl tell us to follow her as she leads us into the maze of crates and debris. I can see through a window in a big building a head of us a blue sparkling  flag. 

"There it is!" I say and poit at it through the window. 

"Good, let's go th-" the guy doesn't even finish as he screams out of agony and falls to the floor. Three members from the other team stands behind us and I hide behind a crate. Sara does the same, while the blue haired girl growls and shots at them. She hits two, one int he arm and the othe rin the chest before she gets shot. 

And that's how I ended up with my back pressed against a crate and with my heart beating 200 a minute. Carefully I look towards the shooters who are slowly walking towards us. I hear screams all around me and I grip my red gun tight. I press my back to the big debris behind me before looking over at Sara who stands a few feet away from me behind debris and nods to her. She grins before she gets up from her hiding and shoots at ones before us. I get up and runs towards the building where I saw the flag  and release a sigh of relief that I didn't get shot. I open the door and runs inside the old stone building. But I stop dead in my tracks when I come into the next room.

"Fu--" I almost swear out loud as Thomas and Cameron grins mischievously. The flag is behind them and I raise my gun. But before I can shoot, Cameron runs towards me with his red gun pointed at me. What shocks us all is when Thomas shoot, not at me but at Cameron. He falls screaming to the ground and grips his leg.
"Dude, what the heck?!" He exclaims and looks at his friend with betrayal.
"I want a rematch with her alone"  Thomas says and looks at me with fury in his eyes. He drops his gun and walks towards me with clenched fists. I'm facing a dilemma, shoot him and win or accept the rematch and win. In the end I drop my gun with a smirk and holds my hand I front of my face to protect me.

Thomas is the one to throw the first punch but I easily dodge and kicks his side. I try to hit him but he step back just in time to miss. He hits me in my stomach making the air disappear from my lungs.

Whiile I'm distracted he takes the opportunity to hit me straight in the face. Pain spreads over my face as I fall to the ground with a grunt. He is about to kick me into the face but I grab my gun next to me and shoots him in the stomach. He yelps and fall onto his knees in pain. I sit up and shoots him one more time to be sure that he stays down. While he is too occupied in his pain I sprint across the room and grabs the flag. With a huge smile I run outside with it.

"WE WON!" I scream and wave with the flag over my head. I can hear victory shouts all around me as Sara and the blue haired girl runs up to me. 


sorry for the short chapter, next will be longer. I'm probably going to edit this in the near future, idk. 

thanks for reading. 

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