Chapter XVI: The truth

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We were currently sitting in the dining hall, just finished the last fearlandscape simulation before the final. This time it went really well and I felt prepared. As usual I was sitting with Sara, Hanna and Alice and we were talking about all random stuff, mostly about tomorrow. Truth be told I thought that all of us would pass. I mean we were all great at combat and the physical part but struggled a bit with the fear. But come on, who doesn't? I mean Mona is completely broken, I've lost count on how many times she's skipped class just to be found in some corner hyperventilating and crying and everything. I almost felt bad for her, almost. But that's progress, right? When I first came here I didn't care about anyone or feel sympathy. So, progress.

My gaze travled across the room and stopped at Tim, his blue eyes piercing mine. But he didn't smirk evily or anything like that. He just looked at me and I couldn't for my life understand what his eyes were telling me. Turning away from him I concentrated on our conversation again but he was stuck in the back of my head. It was weird, usually he would look cruelly at me or something. But not this time and it made a chill go down my spine. What whould happen later tonight? 

Once we finished we left our trays and headed back to the dorm. It was pretty late and we wanted as much sleep as possible before the final tomorrow. In the hallway outside the dormroom I remembered something and grabbed Sara's arm.

"Uhm, you can go ahead, I need to talk with Sara." I said to Hanna and Alice who nodded and opened the door. Sara turned to me as the door closed behind them, her brows knitted in confusion. 

I bit my lip, not really knowing how to say this. "Uhm, just so that you know, at midnight I'm going to the train tracks to meet my brothers. If..." I began and sighed. "I suck at this, but if I'm not back at dawn I'm probably dead. I said this to you because you mean alot to me and I'm really grateful that you're my friend. You're the best thing that has happened to me and I wouldn't be this person without you, so thank you. For everything."

Sara hugged me close but I saw the tears in her eyes. We held each other for a long time. "I don't want you to go." She whispered. "But I know even how much I try, I can't stop you so..." She pulled away and held my shoulder, looking straight into my eyes. "Don't die. Because I can't lose you. You're my rock and I need you. We need each other. So don't die."

I smiled at her and we hugged once more before we walked inside the dorm.


My eyes were trained on the ceiling, my ears listening to the soft snores in the room. Even with everything that's about to happen my mind was completely calm. No thoughts running around, no feelings. Nothing. Just peace. 

I turned towards the clock hanging on the wall, it would strike midnight in a few minutes. Silently standing up I made sure that everyone was asleep before hurrying across the room. Pushing open the door I sighed in relief since it didn't make a sound. I closed it just as silently and began walking towards the exit. The trip there was short and at last I stood in front of the door leading out. Opening the door I saw three figures in the dark, barely any light exposed them. But I already knew who it was; Tim, Oliver and Mason. 

The door closed behind me but no one made a move. They all stood there, waiting for something. When the whistle of the train reached me I understood. The train came into view and I met Tim's eyes, he nodded towards the train. I brushed past them, wanting to get on the train first. The moment of vulnerability when getting on the train could give them an advantaged if they wanted a fight. The train came and I began running alongside it, the wind pulling in my hair. Jumping up I grabbed the handle and pulled myself inside. I crossed the room and pressed my back against the further wall, waiting for them to get inside. Scanning the train car I searched for exits. Except for the one door I came through there's one at the right wall. The other's trailed inside, Mason stood by the door, guarding it, Oliver stood by the right wall and Tim stood between them. 

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