Chapter XIV: Dauntless cake

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The next days were spent the same way. Going through my fears and feeling like shit for an hour until Sara took me somewhere, either to the small shops or diner hall to eat Dauntless cake. By now I was so tired of going through my fears. Always the same and though I made progress it didn't feel like it. My fears didn't change, nothing new happened and I kept wondering why I chose Dauntless. If I knew that this was part of the initiation I definitely would've chosen Abnegation. 

I turned my head to the left, watching Sara laying on her bed next to mine. A few nights ago she had a nightmare and moved over to the empty bed next to mine. Whenever she had a nightmare I woke up, grabbed her hand and told her that she was fine and other things to soothe her. She often fell asleep after that.

We went through our fears earlier today, but this time it was worse. Sara had bags under her eyes and an empty stare. She told me that she hadn't slept well, nightmares had haunted her and she felt sick. It didn't help that she had to go through her fears and since she'd been distant and quiet, which concerned me. Usually it was Sara who cheered me up after the fearlandscape, helping me forget about it. 

I guess that the roles had to change today.

I stood up from my bed and walked over to her, standing directly over her. "Come on, I'm going to get a tattoo" I said and she quietly got up without any response or nod. But I needed to have patience, I told myself as I took Sara's hand and pulled her with me to the Pit. Once we entred the tattoo parlor we started looking around and I quickly found a tattoo design that I liked. After scanning the room I found Sara at the farther end of the room and made my way to her. 

"What do you say about this one?" I asked once she turned to me and held up the design. A smile broke out on her face and a little spark came back to her eyes. 

"Let's get matching" She answered and we immidetly went to anyone working there and told the man behind the counter that both of us wanted the design. Another staff member came and they led us to two different chairs, fairly close to each other. It didn't take long before the buzzing sound of the tattoo gun filled the room and the familiar pain spread over my spine. Yup, I chose a spin tattoo, hurts like a bich but I let Sara chose where to get it and she chose on the spine. 

I don't know after how long but at last the tattoo was done and covered by bandage. We thanked them and paid before going back to the dormroom. Even though we were silent during the walk back -which Sara usually wasn't- I know that she was a bit better than before. Hopefully some Dauntless cake later could help her. We entred the dorm room and found Hanna and Alice inside. 

"Where've you guys been?" Alice asked out of curosity and we walked over to them, sitting down on a empty bunk bed next to theirs. 

"We got matching tattoos" I answered nonchalant and crossed my arms over my chest, 

"Really?! Can we see?" Hanna asked with wide eyes, full of surprise and curiosity. 

"Sadly they're covered. But it's the Dauntless manifesto" Sara explains. 

"We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another" I quoted and a small smile played on my lips "Anyway, anyone up for some cake?"

They all agreed and we went to the diner hall, which luckily wasn't full and we got our cake. We chatted a bit while we sat down by and empty table and talked. Sara was immidietly in a better mood and I felt my concern for her well being slowly dissappear. But as my gaze traveled across the room I found Tim's gaze. For a second we just stared at each other, I couldn't decipher what his eyes told me and I turned away, continuing to enjoy my cake. But he stayed in the back of my head through the whole evening and I decided that Mason perhaps would wait. Tim was my next victim. 

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