Chapter V: first revenge

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It have been two days now since I saw Alex for the first time. We did some combat, knife-training, gun training and fights. I was against  Mona, she is both longer and broader than me, and problally also stronger than me. But she isn't that fast and I won by tire her out and then strike with a kick to her head. I have improved in both knife throwing and shooting with a gun. I also got a new tattoo on my shoulder blade. It is a black white dangerous looking fox with the word "Zorro" below. Zorro is after all the Spanish word for fox. Like I mentioned before, my real name was Rose but my mom thought that I was like a fox, beautiful, clever, a lone wolf and playfull. So she found in some book  that Zorro was fox in Spanish. So she started to call me Zorro and made it my name and after she died when I was six, I just keept it. 

I saw Alex the last two days, he went to the Chasm, on the same time and left it the same time, and he was alone the whole time. So I been thinking, why not make a strike? And take my revenge on him for giving me this scar *points at my eye*. None of my other brothers was around so I have a chance . And after he dies, why not dye my hair black like a symbol for my revenge and when the other dies, why not dye red streaks one for each dead? That sounded so brutal, but why not? I first wanted to take my revenge when I was a member but the more time I spend here, the more time they get to recognize me and that would mean that they would try to kill me. So the sooner they're gone the better. The hardest one to kill is Oliver, he is a leader and if someone found out, I would be in so much trubble. 

I walk into the training room after a quick shower and walks to the group of initiates. Not even a minute later, Eric and Four enters. We runs some laps and starts with hand to hand combat, two and two. Me and Sara is training some blocking techniques but we don't punsh hard. Names are  called to fight but I don't have to wait long for my turn. I'm against Mark, he is pretty good and has won all of his fights. I have watched him and knows that he uses some good tactics while fighting, not like Thomas who only uses his strenght. 

I walk up to the mat and faces Mark. I read him like an open book, he his a little afraid of me, beacause I beat the shit out of Thomas but he is determined to not show his fear. I have a cold expression and gets redy for the fight. He throws the first punsh which I easly dodge and kicks him in the side. I try to kick him in the throat with the side of my foot but he blocks it and punshes me in the stomach which makes me stumble backwards. He punshes me in the face three times but I block two of them. I aim my elbow to his jaw but he grabs my arm instead. I push him away and knocks him in the head with my heel. He falls to the ground and doesn't rise up. 

I exhale and walks of the mat to walk back to Sara who looks at me impressed. I try not to grimace at the pain from his punch in my face. I'm  still a little sore after my fight with Thomas. 

"You're really good at fights, how do you do?" Sara asks me as I stands infront her.

"I just... I train much" I say and we continue to block each others punshes. After some time, Sara is called to fight Thomas and I watch their fight. I feel sorry for Sara who has to fight him, he is a good fighter and I'm the only one who has beaten him, which reminds me that I'm now his enemy and maybe he wants me out of his way. I mean, someone like him wouldn't be satisfied with being second best. But I don't have time to think of him as a threat, I have five older guys who would definitely kill me the second they realise who I am. So the sooner they're out of the game, the sooner I can focus on the threat from my initiate group.  I wonder who could be a threat. I look at all the initiates.

Mark: Maybe a threat, but he doesn't need to be best, he is kind of nice

Finn: Not even close to a threat, I'm surpirsed that he is still here, he won 1 fight, against Sally who is like as dangerous as an ant.

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