Chapter IX: The fight

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I don't know what to expect when I walk into the training room with Sara next to me. But I do know  that Cameron and Thomas is going to be pissed.  Capture the flag yesterday was acctually fun, probably becuase we *cough I cough* won. 

But what I didn't expect is that Eric looks like he wants to kill someone, meanwhile Four grins like an idiot. I guess he's a sore loser and that's kind of fun, but he probably gonna make today hell.

And I was right. By the time we have dinner my legs hurts so much that they shake from running at least 8 laps around the compund. My muscles are sore from all the combat and knife throwing. I was actually near to vomit from the training. God I hate Eric. But  good thing is that I'm not the only one suffering. Cameron actually complained, which he never does since he's so fit (note the sarcasm). Cloe collapsed and complained that she was tired. Bad idea because Eric threatened her that if she didn't continue, he'd kick her out from Dauntless. That resulted in everyone else shutting up and Cloe sobbed while she ran. Then when we were throwing knives, Eric again got pissed at Alice and I felt bad for her. She had to stand infront of a target and Four would throw knives at her, if she flinched she'd too be kicked out froom Dauntless. Four once tried to reason with Eric but his answer was, 'I'm a leader, don't tell me what to do'. 

"I'm going to bed" Sara suddenly says which makes me look up at her.

"Ok, I'm coming with you" I tell her as we stand up and leave our trays. We walk through the dining hall and my gaze land at a table near the exit. Guess who's there. The Zane Brothers. All of the remaning ones there, staring at me, right through my skin and into my soul. I'd lie if I said that I didn't feel like a prey at that moment. And their michivously gazes tell me that something's going to happen soon. 

I shake off the felling as we walk through the corridors to our dorm. Once inside I fall down on my bed and take my shoes off. Sara and I chat for a bit but stop when we barely can keep our eyes open. Before I know it I fall asleep and welcome the darness. 


I don't know what wakes me up and I try to fall asleep again, since I know that it's not morning yet. But after a while I give up and stare ate the ceiling. The room is completely black and all I can hear is someone snoring. My throat feels dry and I remember there's a water tank outside the training room. I stand up and slowly and silently navigate me through the room without waking someone up. I smile as I made it to the door and quickly slip outside. The corridor outside is comepletely silent and I damn myself for not taking any boots. The hallway is lit up and I walk fast towards the training room. But I don't get that far. 

As I walk through the corridor next to the pit two people is ahead of me. I don't even need to see their faces to know who it is. The Twins. But before I can react, I'm flung into the the Pit, dangerously near the Chasm.  I quickly stand up with my back to the chasm and face my four brothers. 1 against 4, hate the odds. But either way I grin when I feel adrenaline rush through my veins. 

"You shouldn't have come to Dauntless" Tim spits and I can see rage in his eyes. He is the first one to attack me but I dodge and kicks Mason, who's running at me, in the stomach. I block Jason's punch and strike him four times, one in the face, two in the stomach and one in his side. With a kick I send him flying into a wall and barely have time to dodge Oliver's blow. I dodge by crouching down and kick behind his knee cap. But that doesn't stop him from punching me in the stomach which makes me stagger backwards. Tim comes at me and I try to kick him but he blocks and punch me in the shoulder. I jump up so that I'm sitting on his shoulders and try to suffocate him with my thighs. He punches me in the side and I realize that it won't work. I throw back my upperbody and places my hands on the floor, like a handstand, and with the momentum I'm able to throw him over me and slam him into the ground. I quickly stand up but before I can do something, both Jason and Mason grips my arms and holds me down. They forces me onto my knees and I try to struggle free, but they are stronger. Oliver comes up to us and punches me right in the face. Pain explodes and my head is thrown to the side. He keeps on hitting me untill I can feel blood and half my face is numb from the pain. Black spots cover my sight and painfull memories from my childhood resurface. Jason and Mason throws me at the ground and I can barely catch myself. I grunt and the air disappear from my lungs but I don't sit up. It hurts everywhere and I don't have the strenght to pull myself up. 

"Come on, let's go" I can hear Tim say, but it's weak and far away. My vision is blurry as my brothers walk out from the Pit. But before darkness consumes me I see someone running towards me and a familiar voice calls my name. The last thing I remember before I fall unconscious is that I weakly smile. 



Bright light is what wakes me up and I sit up to find myself in a big infirmary but just moving hurts and I slump back again. I need to recover quick, I don't want to be here on the last day of stage 1. I try to go over my injuries, my head spins, my left side hurts, my throat feels bruised and I got a lot of bruises.

"Zorro!" Sara's voice makes me look up and I see her running through the infirmary towards me, "Are you Ok? I saw those guys attack you, what happened?" she continued and I gave her a painful smile.

"Do I look as bad as I feel?" I ask her and she gives me a half smiles and nods "I'm ok. But I don't think you want to know what happened"

"Why not?" She asks confused and sits down on a chair next to my bed. 

"No one can know" I say "You'd be at risk if I told you"

"Please" She begs with puppy eyes. 

"Ok, but know that if you tell anyone, I'm gonna have to kill you, do you understand?" I question her with a sharp gaze. I don't know when I decided to tell her everything but something tells me that I can trust her. 

"My lips are seal" She answers with a half playful smile.

"The guys who attacked me were the Zane brothers..." I begin with a sigh but she cuts me off.

"Really?! I heard about them, they're kind of legendary here. Why would they attack you?" 

"Well as you know they are five brothers but the thing is that they also have a sister, Rose Zane, but you know her as Zorro" I begin my story and watch her reaction carefully. Sara just gapes at me in disbelief, "I know. No one knows about us being related, just like they want it"

"Holy shit! But why would your brothers attack you?" 

"We kind of have a vandetta. They don't really like me and I want revenge, one of the reasons why I chose Dauntless. After my mother died when I was 6,  I was abused by my brothers. Like mentally and phsyically abused. I don't even know why they did it. As the years passed by one by one left for Dauntless. My father didn't care about any of us so I couldn't ask for help or talk to him. So now I'm here to take revenge for what they did to me" I tell her without looking at her and I grip the blanket over me. We are silent a long time as she process everything. 

"I... I don't even know what to say" She stammers with a sad smile and gaze "Did your brothers give you that scar?"

"Yeah my brother Alex, who's dead now" I feel like a psychopath while telling my story, I'm confessing that I'm going to kill people but I don't feel remorse or guilt. 

"Oh, that's what you meant with taking revenge" Sara realizes and I can see a hint of wary in her eyes. 

"You can't tell anybody" I remind her with another sharp look while a uneasy feeling grows inside me.

"Don't worry, I won't tell. That's what friends are for. And I bet they deserve it" She says with a mischievious smile which makes me smile with her.



Sara finally knows! :) 

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