Chapter X: Last day

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I wake up two days later and pray to god, or some spirit that the nurses will let me go. I mean I sat the whole day yesterday in bed and I feel fine! Besides it's the last day of stage one today and if I miss it,  so help me god (or some other spirit) I might break something or someone. At least Sara was kind enough to visit me yesterday and told me about training. They had combat and knife training.  Hopefully I got enough scores to be over the red line. But who am I kidding? Of course I'm over the red line. And if anyone says otherwise I'm going to break their fingers in twelve different ways and shove it up their a-

"Morning" a nurse interrupts my thoughts and place a tray on my bedside table "I brought you breakfast"

"Thank you" I mutter and sips from the coffee "When can I leave?"

"Probably after lunch" She answers and leaves. I look around the big room, and notices that I'm not alone. In the further corner of the room in the dark shadows. The lights suddenly flicker and I hear footsteps outside the room. I squint my eyes to see who or what it is. In the darkness is...

Cloe. Lying in a one of the infirmary beds. It doesn't surprises me. I mean, she's weak, she loses all her fights, she isn't cut out for Dauntless. I bet she's the first one to leave Dauntless. Or maybe the other girl, small, blonde, blue eyed, without friends. What was her name again? Samantha? Selma? Salena? Sally? Right. Sally. Wouldn't surprise me if she too were cut first. 

I wonder how Mona's reaction would be if Cloe was cut. Devastated? Relieved? Sad? Angry? Or maybe both would be cut and they can cry together. I don't know. All I know that if I was cut, I would probably be ashamed for like a month. Then I'd be furious and try to take down, Eric first, then Four, then Max and the rest of the leaders. Like I'd survive that. But hey, better die in action then from starvation or some sickness because I live on the streets. 

The next hour feels like an eternity. I have nothing to do and I can't wait to get out of here. What if my brothers come here? What if they  want to finish the job? But then I'd already be dead, right? Maybe I need to look out for Thomas and Cameron too? God, (or some other spirit) why am I so good at making enemies? 

All these questions and no answer to them. *sigh* 

"You're free to go after you finish lunch" The same nurse says in a bored tone and walks out yet again. I eat as fast as I can before I get out from the infirmary bed. I put on my boots and my jacket over my thank top. Full with joy I hurry out from the infirmary, almost wanting to shout 'You'll never see me again b*tches' but I don't. I mean, it'd be so weird if I got hurt again and had to come back, like 'I'm back, b*tches' 


I hurry to the training room. Everyone looks in surprise when I slam open the doors. Sara flashes me a smile and Eric rolls his eyes. I stand with the others, next to Sara, in a half moon infront of Eric and Four. 

"I see you decided to join us, Zorro" Eric says with venomously tone when he says my name. He probably doesn't know the reason why I had to stay in bed for three and a half days. Only thing they knew was that I fought someone and lost. Four breaks the silent by telling us what to do for the rest of the day. We're basically allowed to do anything, shoting, knife-throwing, hand to hand combat, you name it. He tells us that it's because it's the last day and it's a last chance to get higher ranked. 

Sara and I spend the day side by side. We understands each other better than anyone and she knows my secret. We fight a bit, throws some knives and run laps. I really missed running and physical training. 

Damn my brothers for knocking me out like that!

When it's finally time for dinner I'm sweaty and exhausted. Me and Sara sits down by a table close to Hanna and Alice. Out of all in our initiate group, I could see us four as friends. They are too good fighters, thay ain't as pathetic as Cloe and they are really chill girls. We talk alot that night, me and Sara. I actually laugh and smile, which feels so weird but at the same time like a relief. Before Sara I was alone, shutting my emotions out and pretending that I didn't need anybody. But now I realize that friends maybe aren't a weakness or a distraction. They could to be your strenght. 


Hi! I'm so sorry that you had to wait so long for this chapter. It was meant to be published two weeks ago but I got sick (Which rarely happen, might I add) and then I was in Tenerife. 

I know that this chapter is short and boring. I originally wanted to publish two chapters now, both filler chapters, but I haven't even began writhing the other and didn't want you to wait.

Thank you for reading!


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