Chapter IV: Deciding my future

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I sit in the dining hall, eating some lame bread watching people go in and out. Everyone is still sleeping but I guess Four is about to wake then up soon. I watch a group kids running around the tables, playing catch or something. They are all in black clothes and belong to Dauntless. I wonder what I'm doing here. I got Dauntless on my test, I look like Dauntless, with the scar and everything, I am basically cut out to be Dauntless, but I still feel like I don't belong here. What am I going to do after initiation? After my revenge? Unless I'm not dead. Their are a few jobs like guarding fence, control room, train the initiates... That is what I want to work with after: Traning the initiates. I have officially decided my future. 

Two girls from my initiate group sits down on the end of my table. I think their names is Mona and Cloe. Cloe is that girl that I met on my first day here. That girl with pale skin, orange hair and green eyes, who asked me about my eye? Yeah that girl.

I take my tray and leave it before I walk to the dorm. I have 30 minutes before our training starts. And I want to shower without anyone here. I open the door and look around, no one is here. I walk to a shower in the left corner and undress before I walk into the hot water. I feel my tense muscle relax and I trace one of my scars on my stomach with my fingertips. I let the water fall on me for a while before turning it of. I wrap myself in the towel and looks through my clothes. I get dressed and takes my things before I leave. I have a plain black sweater, black tight jeans and black combat boots. After I leave my things on my bed, I walk to the training room. I see Sara, who gives me a small smile, Mona, Cloe, Thomas and Cameron. I wait for everyone to come and after five minutes Four comes in and we gathers around him. I'm glad that Eric isn't here, which means that I won't fight and won't have to show my strength.

"We will be training on combat today and have some fights after lunch. Start by running some laps" Four say and walks to a chart, to do something . Ugh here I thought that I didn't have to fight. We start by running some laps around the room before Four says to start punching on the bags. 

I take one next to Cloe and Sara and starts with kicks. But I don't go all in, just like yesterday. Even though I should, I know that if I give all my strength in one punch, it could be deadly. It's something that have been traveling down generation to generation in my family. Or atleast that is what my mom said. My father was Dauntless but transferred to Amity and everyone in his family was Dauntless and really good as Dauntless. My mother was Erudite and brought the smartness to our family. It is a really good combination, smart and brave. I think that is the reason why it feels so natural to kick and punch.  

My hair gets in my face and I put my hair in a little ponytail, but I have so short hair that it's barely a ponytail.
I continue to punch the bag until my arms hurts and I'm sweating. I take a little rest, only for a few seconds.
"Try to use your whole body when you punch" Sara suddenly say and I turn to her.
"Ok" I reply. Hm, I haven't even thought about that. I watch Sara punch and sees that she uses her whole body when she punches. And as results the bag swings almost of the hook. I turn to my bag and tries that to. This time I use all my streght in one punch and it swings backwards really fast. It feelt good to use my whole strength.

Four walks up to me and watches me. I'm trying to show that I know how to punch but doesn't show that I'm good at it.

He walks bored away after some minuters and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

After a few hours of punching, Four says that it is lunch and we leave to the dining hall.

I'm the last one inside and sigh of the sight of how much people it is in here. I walk to the line and get some food, not really caring of what I take. I take my tray and sees a spot next to Sara that is free. I sit down next to her and eats in silence.

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