Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"I'm sorry, are you lost?" The girl wearing the leather jacket and leather boots said, after at least ten seconds of glaring at me. She crossed her arms as she waited for my answer. Is this girl serious right now?

"No, but thanks for your concern." I said, smirking at her shocked look. I guess she didn't expect for me to reply to her. She probably expected me to be a spineless fool, who would do anything to avoid being picked on. By this time, the room was silent, as everyone watched the drama unfold. Even the teacher seemed interested.

"I asked that because you are in my seat right now." She said, flushing under the attention. I frowned,

"Okay one, I pulled this chair up at the table. It wasn't just sitting here waiting for its evil master to return, and two I'm not gonna sit here and argue with someone who's sentimental about a chair." She continued to glare at me,


"Enough." Weston said, walking over to Darwin and sitting next to him. The girl opened her mouth to reply, but Weston just shot her a glance with his dark eyes. With one last glare sent to me she walked out of the classroom.

Look at me, making friends.

"Well, that was fun." I said, smiling at Darwin's amused look. By this time the classroom was filled with sound again, and everyone went back to their own business.The guys laughed and started to gossip about her. I swear they're just a bunch of gossip queens. It's a little disturbing.

"That's just Gwen. She's just used to being the only girl we hang out with." Danny said, smirking at the end...making me think that he was thinking of something naughty. Ew.

"Well she seems nice." I said, sitting back in my chair. Danny boy opened his mouth to reply, when Weston cleared his throat. Okay, rude. He just interrupted our conversation.

"I wanted you guys to know that," He quickly glanced at me, and I raised an eyebrow. He continued, "I did what needed to be done." They all shot each other quick glances.

"You mean that-" Darwin looked at me before continuing, "They actually-"

"Yeah." Weston interrupted. They suddenly started to cheer, and started to high-five each other. I frowned, something makes me think they're talking about something bad. But, knowing what I know about this school they could just be talking about some video game right now.

"Yeah! Call of duty!" I shouted with my arms in the air, trying to join in. They stopped cheering and looked at me like I was some weirdo. I slowly lowered my arms. That was awkward.

"Right. So what are gonna do now-"

"I think we should have this conversation, during another time." Weston said, interrupting Garret. They all looked at me for a second, and I gave them all an awkward wave.

Weston just stared at me for second, I took this moment to really get a good look at him. He had dark curly hair, which isn't very intimidating, but somehow it is on him. He had dark eyes, that could just shut you up with one look. Like how he did with Gwen. His jaw seemed to be permanently clenched. All in all he was sexy. I could see what Tessa meant when she said he was one of the hottest guys in school.

"Alright, Parker. You can stop eye-raping my best friend now." Darwin said with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes, ignoring the blush that I knew was on my face. The guys laughed, but Weston remained silent.

"I was not....eye-raping your best friend." I muttered, and Darwin just continued to smirk at me,

"Right." He started pinching my cheeks, making me smack is hands away. Him and his little friends laughed, making me flush with anger. I was not eye-raping Weston! I sneaked a quick look at Weston and he seemed indifferent about everything. Like he didn't care.

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