Chapter 14

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Probably filled with a thousand errors/not edited. Sorry if it's too short and the ending may have a lot of errors or seem like it was rushing. But, I was really just trying to post the chapter today. Sorry if it's bad. I haven't written THND in a long time. Alright....bye!

Chapter 14

 "So, your hot ass sounding neighbor with the lick-able abs is going to take your first kiss?" Monica, my best friend from Colorado, asked over the phone. After I got home from the grocery store with Beau, I put the groceries away, put the meat in the sink to defrost, took a nap, then called Monica the moment I woke up. Because priorities.

 "Well unless I go out and kiss the next guy I see, he will most likely take my first kiss. He won the bet fair and square. I just feel so stupid. Of course he would know a faster way to get to the grocery store compared to me, bike or not. I'm mostly mad about not winning a free pizza to be honest." I finished frowning at my ceiling.

 I was currently laying in my bed on my back staring at the ceiling with my phone pressed against my ear. All the interactions I had with Beau earlier today was racing through my mind. And also the pizza that I wouldn't be getting. Poor sad uneaten pizza. We could've had something, but Beau had to ruin it by winning the stupid bet. Stupid attractive hipster. 

 "I just think it's weird that he wanted a kiss if he won the bet. And only if he's giving it and when you least expect it? What's up with that? You think he has a crush?" Monica asked, and my heart instantly started racing at the thought oddly enough. I started shaking my head no, until I remembered that I was on the phone.

 "No. Beau doesn't have crushes. I think he just has sex with whoever he wants whenever he wants. Plus, when I asked why he wanted a kiss he told me that he wasn't interested in me he was just "curious about something."" I said doing the air quotes with my right hand. 

 "Curious about something? Mmmm keep an eye on the hipster next door. He sounds like he's up to something. But, do tell me all the details. I swear your life is better than the soaps I watch with my mom." Monica said laughing a little over the line. 

 "Oh whatever. My life is not that dramatic-" Before I could finish the line my bedroom door suddenly swung open and Darwin stood there with an innocent smile and gave a slight wave. I stared at him with wide eyes as I noticed some of the other badasses behind him. Uh what?

 "I hope you don't mind, but I kind of picked your front door and accidentally broke in." Darwin said taking a seat at the end of my bed. He was wearing his usual wear of a black hoodie with the hood up, hiding his golden curls, paired with jeans. The other guys walked in like this was just a casual thing and they didn't just break into my house.

 "Parker? What's going on? You said that your life isn't that dramatic then you kind of paused. Are you still there?" I heard Monica say. I cleared my throat, the shock of the sudden intrusion escaping me. I teared my eyes away from Darwin's bright green eyes to focus on Monica.

 "Yeah I got to go. I'll call you back later. Bye." I said, taking the phone away from my ear. I heard a "What?" come from the phone before I hung up. I looked up at Darwin and then at the other badasses.

 "What the heck is going on? You broke into my house?!" I asked my voice slowly raising, as my mind was racing. Their sudden presence still had my heart racing. 

 "Yeah I kind of broke in. But, in my defense we knocked on the door twice-"

"Twice." Danny Boy repeated in the background as Darwin continued,

 "And because of the situation we found ourselves in I had to break in. But, I figured since we're best friends that it wouldn't be that big of a deal." Darwin said shrugging like everything was totally normal and okay. 

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