Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Mom, that's probably the most messed up thing you've ever said to me." I said, as I stared at my mom in shock. My fingers tightened around the spoon of cereal that was half-way to my mouth before my mom uttered the most awful words I've ever heard. My mom gave me a confused look,

"What? All I said was that I need you to pick up Lexi after-school today-"

"You said it again! Mom, I can't believe you're trying to trap me in a car with that evil little girl. Why?" I asked, placing my spoon back in the bowl of cereal. I lost my appetite. Mom rolled her eyes,

"Your dad is working late today, and so am I. Anyway, you're overreacting. She's only five." Mom said smirking at me,

"She's an evil five year old! You know how I know that? She's too smart for her own good. She's only five, but she talks like she's an adult-"

"No she doesn't. She's a kid. She just repeats everything she hears from everything and everyone around her." Mom said shrugging like it was no big deal. I rolled my eyes, and looked down at my now soggy bowl of cereal. I pushed it away.

"But mom-"

"No buts, now when we first got you the car you promised to do anything I asked you to do, like pick Lexi up." I stared at my moms smug face in shock. Is she serious?

"Mom, you and dad were offering me a car. I would've promised you a kidney if it meant I would get a car." Mom rolled her eyes, and then held out her hand. I stared at her hand in confusion, and I slowly gave her a high five. Mom rolled her eyes, and shook her head at me,

"No. Give me your car keys." I stared at her in shock,

"What? Why?" I asked, and she continued to leave her hand outstretched,

"If you're not going to fulfill the promise you made, then you might as well give me the car keys." Mom said looking at me expectantly. I sighed in defeat and crossed my arms,

"Fine, I'll pick up the evil little girl from school today." I said, probably looking like a toddler post-tantrum. Mom gave me a smug smirk and nodded her head in satisfaction.

"Good. Now, while you're out there picking up Lexi, I'm gonna also need you to pick up some milk." I opened my mouth to refuse, but one quick look from my mother and I shut my mouth. She smiled,

"Good, now that we've got that settled, you should get going before you're late to school." I nodded my head in agreement. I stood up, and picked up my bowl of cereal and placed it in the sink. Giving my mom one small wave I walked out of the door, and walked towards my car.

My head unconsciously looked over at Beau's house. My mind immediately wandered to our conversation last night. I smirked, and shook my head. I got inside my car and drove off.

The drive to school took about fifteen minutes. While I was looking for a parking space I noticed that everything looked the same. The nerds were with the nerds, the geeks with the geeks. Just another day at this odd school.

I parked, and got out of the car. After grabbing all of my crap, I started to walk towards the front of the building. When I entered the building I made the long journey to Tessa's locker. Okay, it usually only took a minute to get there, but a minute is too long.

When I finally made it to her locker, I noticed that she was rummaging through her locker, looking for something. Her head was inside the locker. I raised an eyebrow and then smirked when an idea came to mind.

"What are you doing?" I asked, making her hit her head on the tips of her locked. I laughed, when she pulled her head out to glare at me. I raised my arms in mock surrender. She rolled her eyes and then went back to looking through her locker.

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