Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I avoided looking at anyone, and sat in a seat that was almost in the back of the class. I pulled out some paper and a pencil and was fully prepared to get my nerd on. Caden cleared his throat making me roll my eyes. He's not a real teacher.

He walked towards the front of the class and grabbed a marker. He then wrote a math problem on the board. When he was finished, he turned around and cleared his throat again. What the heck is wrong with his throat? Is he starting to get a cold? In the middle of September?

"Who has the answer to this equation?" Caden asked, looking out into the classroom. The rest of the club members seemed hesitant, so I raised my hand along with this other girl in the class. She had on a light blue button up plaid shirt, with glasses. Her pale blonde hair was up in pigtails.

Wow. They take this nerd thing seriously.

"Francesca." Caden called, making me frown. I'm pretty sure I raised my hand two seconds before Miss Francesca did. She recited her answer, and ended up getting it right. The class did a little golf clap, making me roll my eyes. So, Francesca got a question right...whoopee freaking doo.

Caden gave her a slight nod, and then erased the equation from the board. Then he preceded to write another one. I smiled, I totally know this one! I raised my hand along with this nerdy looking guy. Do I really have to describe him?

"Henry." Caden called making me drop my hand in exasperation. Is this dude serious? This is the second time I raised my arm to answer a stupid question, and he doesn't even call on me. Isn't he the one who begged me to be in this little math club? I'm not even a nerd!

Henry cleared his throat, what's with the throat clearing thing, and recited his answer. Caden nodded in agreement, and the class did a golf clap again. This is getting weird. When Caden wrote another equation on board, I just rolled my eyes and turned towards the window that I was conveniently sitting next to.

The sky was bright, much different then the dark gray clouds that were here yesterday. Was yesterday my first day here? Feels like its been weeks...years even. My mind then wandered to what I would do when I got home. I would take a nap, obviously. And, then I would chill around the room and avoid my homework.

And, if I happened to see that hipster neighbor of mind, I would smack him silly.

I can't believe he told that Lacey bitch that I was his creepy neighbor. I only caught him changing shirts once-not that I was secretly waiting around my window/balcony waiting for the moment when he would change his shirt in front of his window for all the world to see again. No...nope, I don't do that.

But, even if I's his fault for changing his clothes for all the world to see! I'm the victim here! I'm a hormonal teenager, what else am I suppose to do in such a situation. You know what? It doesn't even matter. He can take his beyond gorgeous face and smexy abs and shove them up his-

"Parker." I frowned, and looked away from the window to see Caden's expectant face. Everyone was looking at me, and I frowned as I noticed the new equation on the board. Again, is this dude serious? He didn't call on me the other two times, but when I finally give up he calls on me? What a butthole.

"Seventeen." I answered, and Caden looked at the board and then back at me. He nodded, and the class gave a pathetic golf clap. What? I don't get a big golf clap like Francesca or Henry did? That's messed up.

The math club went along, slowly. I swear I wanted to bang my head on the desk the whole time. Math club is easy, it's boring. And, Caden rarely called on me.

"Okay club, this was a great meeting. I think we're showing great potential, and we'll definitely be able to take on Champlin Academy for sure. Just remember that only five people will be able to compete in the tournaments. I'll be watching out, so I can pick those five people with ease and confidence. That's all I have to say, club dismissed." The nerds scurried out, leaving only Caden and I.

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