Chapter 13

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 I pulled up to school in my Volkswagen Beetle, and pulled up into an empty parking lot. The sky was looking very ominous and cloudy. I got out of my car and looked around at the cliches that were hanging around outside of the school. The jocks were being rowdy next to a truck that was blasting the latest pop tune. I didn't see Evan among them but, I noticed the cheerleaders were surrounding the jocks. I spotted Lacey and she spotted me at the same time. We both just stood still in our respective spots just staring at each other.

 She glared at me from across the parking lot and then pointed a haunting finger at me. Then she just kind of stood there in that same position. Pointing a finger at me. Feeling a little creeped out, and very much awkward, I started to walk towards the entrance of the school. Heck, I would've started to walk back home if I could get away from her.

 As I started to walk I spotted Weston standing next to the steps that led to entrance. He had a cigarette in his hand that he just lifted up to his lips. He took a inhale, kept it in his mouth for a few seconds, then he blew the air out of his nose. Bad...Ass.

 I really did not want him to see me, especially since he basically threatened to take my tongue out of mouth. Or at least I think that's what he meant when he said that he would make sure I wouldn't be able to tell anyone anything if I told. See I know how to read between the lines. English has taught me well. Or, at least my old English teachers have taught me well. The teacher I have now in this weird behind school likes to bother and annoy me for some odd reason.

 I kept my head down and tried to speed walk past Weston so I could enter the school without him noticing me. But, because of plot I guess I ended up bumping into someone making all of their books fall out of their hands. Good job, Parker! I mentally face palmed. I peeked over in Weston's direction and noticed that he spotted me. He sent me a glare and then started to walk towards me. In a hurry I quickly pushed past the person who I bumped into and sped walked towards the school.

 "Hey!" That person shouted, in an oddly familiar voice. I turned around and noticed that the person I bumped into was none other than Francesca. The nerd who is apart of the math club that Caden forced me to be apart of. Okay, maybe he didn't force me per say, but he did basically beg me to be apart of it. Her pale blonde hair was in their signature pigtails and she was wearing her glasses, and a plaid green button down shirt and jeans. I do remember that I do not like her for some reason so I really don't feel compelled to help her, even though I'm the one who made her drop her books in the first place. Minor details.

 I noticed that Weston was catching up to me, and turned around and ran through the entrance doors. I started running throughout the halls flailing my arms in the air as I ran. I heard Weston's heavy footsteps behind me. 

 "Why are we running?" Tessa asked, suddenly appearing next to me. She was running along with me, which was really shocking considering how tired she usually gets when she runs. Can somebody say conspiracy?

 "Tessa!" I shouted, I grabbed her arm and we turned down a corner in the hallway. Then I dragged her into the first door I saw. I quickly shut the door and turned around. We were in an empty classroom. I looked over at Tessa and noticed she was on the ground trying to catch her breath.

 "Why....were....we....running." She said in-between breaths. I looked at Tessa for a moment as she clutched at her sides. She really needs to work on her stamina. Maybe we could go to the gym together-HA! Who am I kidding?

 "Okay, you gotta promise me that you won't tell anybody. As a matter of fact, you have to pinky promise me you won't tell anybody what I'm about to tell you. You can't break a pinky promise." I said holding out my pinky finger. She slid over on the floor and held out her pinky. Our pinkys intertwined, "I promise." Tessa promised, before pulling her pinky from mine.

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