Chapter 9

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Okay....when I posted this I was really excited because I finally updated and I knew my fans would be happy. I don't know what happened was blank. The thing that shocked me the most were the comments....Luckily I didn't read most of them because I got the jist.....thank you to the fans who defended me. I wouldn't purposely leave a chapter blank. I wouldn't do that on purpose. This was the original chapter. Authors note and everything...

Chapter 9

"It's Taco Thursday!" That was the first thing Tessa shouted at me, the moment I stepped outside of my car door. After picking up my little sister, Lexi, from school yesterday we went home and ate ice cream as we watched movies on Netflix. Age appropriate of course.

"Hey, my morning was just awesome, how's yours going so far?" I asked, giving Tessa a small smile. She rolled her eyes, and pulled out a grape from a plastic cup that I just noticed she was holding and threw it at me. It bounced off my forehead and landed on the ground in front of me. I gaped at her and she smirked,

"My day just got more interesting, but that's not the point. The point is, today is Taco Thursday." She said, jumping up and down like a little kid. I raised an eyebrow at her,

"And why is that so important?" I asked, grabbing a grape from her cup and popping it in my mouth. She stopped jumping but continued to have a bog creepy grin plastered on her face.

"Well, remember the nerdy guy I was telling you about yesterday? Well, he loves tacos. So I've decided to wait until he gets in the lunch line, and join him and try to engage in a conversation. One thing will lead to another and in five years we'll be married with a kid on the way." She said, smiling at me like she just said the most logical thing in the world.

I sighed, "You're gonna creep that poor boy out-"

"No I won't!" Tessa shouted interrupting me, "I know how to be.....normal." We both looked at each other for a second before we both burst into laughter. And, I don't mean the laugh you use when that corny guy in school tells you a joke, I mean the laugh that starts from your belly and ends with you falling to the ground in hysterics.

"What's so funny?" A deep masculine voice cut in coming out of no where. I looked up at Darwin and tried to contain my laughter to give him an answer. After a few seconds I was able to sober up. I wiped the tears that rolled down my cheeks, and cleared my throat.

"Tessa said that she could be normal." I said, letting out a chuckle between my sentences. Darwin just rolled his eyes. I frowned, I guess it wasn't that funny. Tessa gave Darwin a small wave and he just gave her a nod, then he turned to look at me.

"Hey, what do you have next? I'll walk you to class." He said grabbing my arm and dragging me away. I frowned at him and looked back at Tessa to see her giving me an understanding wave before she, literally, skipped away.

"That was rude, and besides class doesn't start until like twenty minutes." I said, looking at my Dora watch on my wrist. Don't judge. Darwin rolled his eyes,

"I'm sorry, but your friend kind of creeps me out. Besides, I'm your best friend. I'm allowed to drag you around as much as I please." I rolled my eyes, his best friend logic makes as much sense as eating ice cream with a fork.

I looked up at my surroundings when I noticed that we were headed towards the back of the school. We passed a couple of stoners smoking on the side of the school. I gave them a slight wave and they smirked at me.

"So where are we going? Because, I'm telling you now, I friend zoned you a while back." Darwin laughed, but continued to pull me towards the back of the school.

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