A few characters

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Chapter 7 is posted, by the way, lol.

Hipster next door characters-

Main Characters-

Parker Kahn- Main character, story is in her point of view. Just moved there (Where's there? No idea. Let's say..Florida.) from Colorado, where her best friend's Monica and Luke live. Has 'untamable' dark brown hair, and dark grey eyes.

Beau Love- The hipster next door. Leader of the hipsters, and who also just happens to have amazing abs. Has auburn hair and blue eyes. Is the ultimate hipster. Hates cars, and loves bicycles. And, he has a thing for Doc Martens.

Darwin Bailey- Officially declared Parker his new best friend, after meeting her in their AP Calculus class, where they annoy the hell out of Caden. Darwin prefers to be called Bailey, but he only allows Parker to call him Darwin. He's also best friends with Weston Thorne, the king of the badasses in school. Darwin has blonde curly hair, that he sometimes hides underneath his hoodie-most of the time. He also has light green eyes, and tan skin. Calls Parker Munchkin.

Evan Frost- Quarterback of the team. Delivered the pizza to Parker's house in the first chapter. Ex-girlfriend is the head of the cheerleaders Lacy Langston, who also just happens to be a bitch. And, his mom is obsessed with trying to get Parker and Evan together. Evan has dark hair with dark green eyes.

Weston Thorne- Leader of the badasses, has an air of mystery about him. Has dark curly hair, and dark calculating eyes. He can shut anyone up with just one look. A man of few words, for sure.

Lacey Langston- A.K.A. Queen Bitch. Lacey is the head of the cheerleaders, and has an odd habit of sleeping with anyone of the male species-as far as we know. She also just happens to be Evan's ex-girlfriend. Parker's first encounter with Lacey was when she caught her in a janitor's closet with Beau. She has blonde curly hair, and light brown eyes.

Caden Anderson- King of the nerds! Caden also teaches math classes, because what else was the king of the nerds meant to do. He wants Parker to be apart of the math club. Caden is also known as looking overly adorable or as Tessa would say, "Corruptible." Has perfectly neat dark brown hair, with light blue eyes, and glasses. He likes to wear suspenders a lot. And, I mean a lot.

Tessa (Last name unknown)- Parker's first friend, at this overly cliche school. She's apart of the average crowd, but she use to be apart of the cheerleading squad. That's all she told Parker. She's very weird, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She has long light brown hair, and light brown eyes. She ships Parker and Darwin. Pailey. I personally like Parkwin....no?

Bertram Duran- Leader of the geeks. Was impressed that Parker knew all of the doctors of Doctor Who (I had to look that up!). Bertram believes that everyone wants to be geeks, and the biggest event of the year for him and his geeky followers is Comic Con. He has long hair that's usually up in a ponytail. He has dull brown eyes, hidden behind his black glasses. He's also kind of chubby, just a tad.

Jodi Dupree- Leader of the art kids. Parker thinks she's a bit creepy, because she smiles an awful lot. She judges people based off of what their favorite color is. She has short bright orange hair, dark green eyes and pale skin. It somehow works for her. Seems to always be covered in paint.

Gwen (Last name unknown)- She hangs around the badasses, but from what people are saying I'm just gonna assume that she is slutty. She doesn't like Parker, in fact, she got in a verbal fight with Parker over a chair.

Lexi Kahn- Parker's evil little sister. Exact copy of Parker's mom.

Mom Kahn (lol)- Mother of Parker and Lexi Kahn. Is obsessed with trying to be Beau and Parker together. She's a weird mom. Dark brown wavy hair, green eyes.

Dad Kahn (lol)- Father of Parker and Lexi Kahn. Is pretty indifferent about everything. Light brown hair, dark gray eyes.

Minor characters- Everyone else, lol.

Monica- Parker's best friend, who lives in Colorado. Dates Parker's other best friend in Colorado, Luke. Is very opinionated. She's only a minor character because Parker only really interacts with her over the phone.

Luke- Parker's other best friend

Audrey- Friends with Tessa and now Parker. She has straight red hair, with dark blue eyes.

Matt- Friend of Tessa, and now Parker. Light brown hair, dark brown eyes.

Lance- Friend of Tessa, and now Parker. Light brown hair, light blue eyes.

Jan- Girl who basically had a meltdown during art class.

If no one was mentioned I'm sorry...but I'm tired so...yeah. There are a lot of people in this story, but just remember the main characters and Monica.

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