Chapter 2

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This is the first story/chapter where I've had six pages ever let alone seven ! But, it's probably mainly because of my authors note, honestly. Enjoy the chapter, and thanks for reading.

Chapter 2

"Can I take this blind fold off now?" I asked, as mom and dad led me towards this big surprise. It was currently five in the morning and my parents decided it was the perfect time to wake me up, blind fold me, and guide me to what could possibly be a huge let down.

"Patience my child, patience." Dad said in a creepy deep voice. I smiled, and relaxed as they kept leading me to wherever we were going. I determined that we were outside since I heard a door a minute back, and since I could feel the cool wind.

After what felt like an hour, but really a minute, passed mom and dad stopped me.

"Okay, you can take it off now." I rolled my eyes behind the fold, finally. I untied the blindfold and let it slowly fall from my eyes. That's when I saw it. Sitting right in the driveway, next to my moms car, was a old vintage light blue beetle. I looked over at my parents with wide eyes,

"You didn't."

"We did!" They shouted at the same time, with bright smiles on their faces. I laughed and ran over and gave them both huge, crushing hugs.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I shouted probably waking up the whole neighborhood. But, I didn't care right now. My parents bought me a car. Not just a car. An old vintage Beetle. I stared at it for a few seconds in shock, before I finally decided to look inside.

I looked over to my parents in expectation, and my dad threw some keys at me. I caught them, and quickly ran over to the car, where I preceded to unlock the door and check the insides.

"With our new jobs we wouldn't be able to tow you around town, so this was our best solution. You'll have to be responsible though, and If we need you to do some errands for us, like picking up your little sister, you have to do it." Mom said giving me a stern look at the end.

"Okay mom, I'll drive the little devil around." I said distractedly.

"You better, and no complaining or sass or we'll take the car away." I gave mom a small smile,

"I promise to be on my best behavior." I said with a little sarcasm sprinkled in, but mom was either oblivious or she decided to ignore it.

"Good, now go get ready for school, you wouldn't want to be late for your first day of school." I laughed,

"Mom, school is in three hours." Mom looked confused for a few seconds, before she gave me a small smirk,

"I knew that."

"Right." I said, rolling my eyes. After exploring my car for at least half an hour, I walked upstairs and got ready for school. I looked through my closet for the right outfit.

I had to make a great first impression, and to do that, I needed to wear a great first day of school outfit, even though school was already three weeks in. I rummaged through my closet looking for clothes. After a while I started throwing the unwanted things on the ground.

After an hour, my mom walked in and shrieked, "Oh my glob! What the heck has happened in the last hour?" She said looking at the piles of clothes scattered across my floor. I slowly shrugged,

"I'm trying to find the perfect outfit." Mom slowly tapped her chin and hummed. I rolled my eyes at the gesture, but watched as she continued to do it.

"Okay, wear a dress. That way you get to show off your long legs! The girls will be jealous. I'm jealous of them." Yeah, I was kind of tall, and my mom was kind of on the short side. Like, really short......very short.

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